Chapter 51

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"Big brother!" Vivian shouted while smiling excitedly and running towards the the boy sitting on the grass.

She pushed her legs as fast as she could but her small legs couldn't keep up the pace and fell down.

She started crying as her knees scraped and her milk tooth which was hanging in her mouth broke. Alexander came running towards her while chuckling at her little crying form as he picked her up in his arms and cooed her while tickling her stomach.

Soon enough Vivian burst out laughing as he continued tickling and laughing with her. They both plopped down on the soft grass as they sighed out in relief and faced the light blue sky, it was a sunny beautiful day.

"Big brother I made something for you!" Vivian announced happily as she turned towards her left and picked up the flower crown she spent hours making. Alexander smiled as he sat up and bent his neck so that she could put it on.

"It's beautiful sunshine" he said while he lovingly pinched her chubby cheeks as she gave him a toothy grin. "It left a scar" he said as he looked at her upperarm with a sad look as he continued "It's from the accident I saved you from right?".

"Yes and it's ok momma says it's an achievement I got for surviving an accident!" she said while giggling happily as she looked up the sky to notice that the clear blue sky was now surrounded by dark clouds.

"It's the accident I saved you from right?" Alexander asked again with a serious tone as Vivian again replied with a quick yes ,still looking at the sky. "I SAVED you sunshine" he said as Vivian looked over at him with slight fear because of the lack of happiness in his voice.

She gasped as she saw the flower crown melting as it turned into a bright scarlet color and cascaded down his face, his once light and warm grey eyes had turned completely black as he looked at her with disgust.

Vivian stood up in fear as she looked around to see the soft green grass had blood splattered over them as the river in front of her had turned a light shade of red. Her gaze fell down on her, blood was also covered on her hands and she was 18 again.

"And you murdered me! You KILLED me brutally!" his voice was heavy and deep as he approached her. Vivian then noticed a gunshot wound on his head and then her gaze lowered as she saw two more gunshot wounds on his stomach.

"I-I didn't kill you, I am not a murderer!" she cried out while continuously backing away as Alexander kept moving towards her. Her movements halted when she felt a hard chest behind her.

She looked back and gasped when she saw a bloodied Seth looking at her with a pained expression. "You told me to save myself but you got me killed" he said as Vivian backed away and turned  so that her back was facing the river.

"N-no I didn't kill you-" she said to Seth and then pointed towards Alexander "-or you! I am not a murderer" she shouted but stopped when she felt something wet on her forehead. Her hand reached out as she touched it and brought it in front of her eyes.

She cried again when she saw blood now covered her whole body. "You are a murderer" Alexander and Seth said together as they started approaching her.

"You killed us mercilessly"


"You don't deserve to live"

She screamed out loud when she fell in the river, she was drowning even though she knew swimming very well. "Please" she struggled out while flapping her hands and legs continuously in an effort to get out.

"Die" they both said as they held Vivian's head and lowered it inside the unusually cold freezing water. "Please! I am not a murderer!" her screams came out muffled as her movements got sloppier and her eyes started closing slowly.

A sudden jolt of electricity inside her gave her power as her head raised up above the water, "I am not a murderer"

"I am not a murderer!"

"I am not a murderer"

Vivian's eyes shot open as she saw a few middle aged doctors in front of her with defibrillators in their hands. "The patient is conscious again!" one of them said as they quickly put on a oxygen mask over her mouth.

"Was it all a dream?" she thought and all she could hear was a loud ring in her ears as she closed her eyes in pain.

"Mrs. Bernardi are you feeling ok? " one of the doctors asked as Vivian took a minute to understand his question but nodded slowly. Bernardi. She gasped "D-D-Dominic?" she asked the doctor as he smiled softly at her.

"Don't worry Mrs. Bernardi he is fine, he has been asking about you since he woke up even though he could barely talk in his condition" another doctor replied as Vivian sighed in relief . "We were just worried about you, you lost a lot of blood and we have been trying to wake you up for 6-7 hours" he replied as Vivian's eyes widened.

"It's ok don't stress. Your family members are waiting to meet you" another doctor said as he started walking towards the door while the other doctors followed. Just a nurse, maybe in her late 50s or early 60s remained.

She smiled kindly as she fixed Vivian's sheets and adjusted her pillow to make it comfortable. Vivian couldn't speak freely so she just nodded in acknowledgement. She bowed down before sitting on the nearby couch.

Vivian looked around the room as she noticed that the decors looked awfully familiar. "It's the mansion!" she thought, "but not my room" and looked towards the door as it opened revealing her parents, Amelia, Donna and Linda.

All had a slight smile on their faces, her mother ran towards her and as she was about to hug her the nurse clicked her tongue indicating them to stop. Vivian's heartbeat increased as she heard the clicking of tongue as she started panicking and thrashing around the bed.

The nurse ran towards her as she indicated her to take deep breaths and slowly breathe out .Vivian followed her instructions as a few tears fell down her eyes and her heart finally went back to normal. Her mother and Donna cried out at her condition and only then she noticed that both of her legs were covered in bandages along with her left hand and her head.

All the bad memories came rushing back to her as body pain to reminded her of the awful events that went down just a few hours ago were indeed true.

This was definitely going to leave a scar.


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