Chapter 7

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It has been 1 hour since the certificate distribution, Vivian and her friends gang were standing in the gymnasium of the school while eating from the small stalls that the school had arranged for them, while soft music played for the couples of the school.

Surprisingly there were more couples than Vivian and her friends had imagined as the place was pretty crowded.

She continuously felt someone's gaze on her and whenever she would look around she would see Dominic staring at her while talking to the Principal.

"Um Stacey would you like to dance?" James said looking at Stacey expectantly who was gulping down the cupcake like there was no tomorrow.

"Sure!" Stacey said as she nervously exchanged a glance with Vivian who just smiled reassuringly at her.

Stacey and James went to "dance floor" which was at the centre where everyone was dancing.

Vivian smiled lovingly as she watched them dance swaying softly to the music.

"Our children have grown haven't they?" Tyler said from beside her while drinking orange juice.

Vivian giggled at him "Sure they have" she joked back.

"Um by the way Viv if you don't mind do you want to d-" Tyler was cut off by a deep voice behind Vivian .

"Ms Vivian" Dominic said as Vivian turned around, her adorable face making a surprised and scared expression at the same time.

"Let's dance" Dominic said gruffly.

"But I-" Dominic pretended not to hear her as he held her soft hands in his warm ones and dragged her to the dance floor not before giving the Tyler boy a glare that said Stay away from her.

Vivian on the other hand was confused as she didn't understand what was going on, as her heart which had just gone back to normal few minutes ago, again started beating violently against her chest.

"Mr Bernardi what are you doing?" Vivian said as Dominic took her right hand in his left one while she was forced by him to keep her left hand on his shoulder as he rested his right one on her waist and they started swaying to the music.

So honey now
Take me into your loving arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Place your head on my beating heart.

"You look magnificent" Dominic said with a small smile on his face completely ignoring her previous question.

She blushed a little and looked down at the complement.

Clearly she wasn't good with complements, whenever someone complemented her she would just look down and blush like a moron, not knowing what to do.

"Thank you" Vivian said and Dominic's smile widened at her reply he just wanted to kiss those plump lips but he knew he couldn't do that now, especially in her school.

"But that was quite an embarrassment there, you know being scolded on the day of graduation" Dominic teased her.

Vivian looked up in shock and an angry expression surfaced "You don't have to remind me" she bit back in reply.

In reply, he just lowered himself to her level "Watch that tone of your gattina, or I would have to spank that perky ass of yours" he said huskily, his Italian accent thickening with every word as his hands went down from her waist to slightly squeeze her butt.

Vivian gasped in surprise as she looked up at him and tried to push him away but Dominic wasn't a man who would budge from that little strength.

"Get off" Vivian loudly whispered at him while trying to get his hands off of her ass but it just resulted in him squeezing it more harshly.

She hissed in pain as tears formed in her eyes due to the embarrassment and pain.

"If you obey me you won't get hurt gattina, so just keep dancing without making a scene. Do you get it?" Dominic asked and when he didn't get any reply but just useless struggles he squeezed her ass more painfully than ever, making sure that it would leave a black and purple mark.

Vivian lowly yelped in pain and just nodded , not being able to take in the pain anymore but the grip was still hardened around her ass.

"P-Please" Vivian said quietly with tears trickling down her face and soon she felt the grip loosen around her butt and went back up to her waist.

"Now that wasn't so hard was it?" he said while looking at her bottle green eyes admiring the beautiful colour as he wiped the tears off her face.

She didn't say anything and just gave him a disgusted glare while still dancing, her butt paining every now and then.

I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways
Maybe it's all part of a plan
I'll just keep on making the same mistakes
Hoping that you'll understand

The song still played in the background, it was one of Vivian's favourite songs but now she didn't even hear a word of it, maybe she would hate it later because it would just remind her of today's awful encounter.

She looked around for Tyler while still dancing but didn't spot him, she then looked around the room for either James or Stacey, but her luck was really rotten as she found no one.

"Stop looking for others when you are with me" Dominic spat out while glaring at her.

She suppressed her anger and nodded because she didn't wanted to anger him again and get a repeat of what just happened a few seconds ago.

Dominic looked at her, satisfied by her submission "And stop hanging around with boys" he said while looking at her seriously, this time Vivian couldn't control her anger.

"Excuse me?" she said angrily while staring right through his electric blue eyes.

"You heard it" Dominic said like it was the most obvious thing to say and as if she was asking a dumb question.

"Excuse me Mr... Bernardi, First, we just met a few hours ago don't act like you know me or anything. Second, you don't have the right to tell me who I should or shouldn't hang out with. YOU don't own me!" Vivian grumbled in anger while looking at him, trying hard not to squirm under his burning glare.

Dominic was shaking with anger, if only she was already his he would have shown her, her place but she wasn't yet. He huffed as he tried to control his anger.

"Oh my sweet little kitten" he said sinisterally as he continued "this is not the first time that I have met you, second I have every fucking right to tell you what you should or shouldn't do as you were already mine from the moment I saw you" he said while tightening his hold around her waist.

"And the last thing gattina, I will soon be coming to take you away" he whispered hoarsely in her ear as he slightly bit her earlobe making her gasp.

Dominic smirked at her responsive behaviour and left her waist as he gave her one last look before angrily storming out of the room. Leaving an angry and confused Vivian behind.


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