Chapter 45

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"Clean that up" Alexander ordered as he looked at Federic's body, the man his late uncle Giovanni had sent with him to Paris, smeared in ruby red as his black lifeless eyes stared at him.

"Yes boss" Justice, his most trusted man replied as he and a few others got to their assigned works.

"Only if he didn't interfere with my little gang" Alexander thought as he looked at the body one last time before walking out of the basement, into the darkened hallway.

It had been 12 years since Alexander had left Manchester and started living in Paris.

He was 31 now but he still missed Vivian sometimes, he wondered how she looked now because there was no one after her who accepted him.

Everyone treated him like an outcast and only pretended to respect him just because he had power. They didn't respect him, they feared him. No one really wanted to be friends with him.

He knew he was going even more crazier as the days passed, he enjoyed seeing people in pain, he enjoyed seeing blood, he enjoyed seeing them beg for their life as he slowly but surely slit their throats.

He had even formed his gang, which was not that big but big enough to bribe cops and he always had the company his uncle had left him to cover it up.

He walked into his penthouse as he switched on the lights, the one thing that never left him, welcomed him. Silence. Nothing. He felt nothing. He was empty inside, he yearned for someone, anyone. His fists made contact with the solid wall in frustration as he screamed on top of his lungs.

Only one name kept ringing in his head. Vivian, Vivian, Vivian. He chanted it again and again as he dropped to his knees and started crying, the silence greeted him. Then one thought dawned on him.

"I will bring Vivian back to me" he muttered as he stood up with newborn determination and a little hesitation "but it's a dangerous life" his decision wavered.

"I don't care I will protect her" he said as he took out his phone and called Justice. "Yes boss" Justice said from the other side.

"I want details about Vivian Brooks from Manchester" he said in the phone. "M-Manchester? Ok, Do you know where she lives?" he asked from the other side.

"She lived in John Dalton Street before, she has red hair and bright green eyes. She'll be around...15 to 16 years old now" Alexander said and hung up the phone after Justice replied with an "Ok".


"I wonder if she still misses me" Alexander mumbled as he opened his laptop and looked through the cameras that were set up in her room.

It had been a week since Alexander had found  his newborn obsession for Vivian, he would look at her everyday. But something always felt wrong about it, it was like someone else was also keeping an eye on her.

"Sir!" Aaron's, his other trusted man, voice boomed through the room as he walked in, Alexander looked up at him as a gesture to continue.

"Sir you were right, someone really is keeping am eye on Ms. Brooks. Someone who you don't want to mess with" he said as he closed the door behind him.

"Who?" Alexander asked in an annoyed voice, not liking the unwanted suspense.

"Dominic Bernardi. The Mafia King" Aaron said as slipped the files showing the evidence to Alexander.

Alexander's eyes roamed on the file before he raised his fist and drove it through the glass table, shattering it to pieces.

"What the fuck!" he screamed in anger as blood kept dripping off from his fists.

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