Chapter 24

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Vivian was currently sitting in Dominic's private jet,wearing a comfortable black top and blue jeans waiting for him to come as he said her to wait for him because he had some work to take care of.

After a 4 hours long party Vivian was exhausted as she heaved a sigh and closed her eyes, snuggling more into the comfortable seat.

A few tear drops cascaded down her face as she realized that she was now officially Mrs. Vivian Dominic Bernardi, she had lost, she lost her life, her ambitions and her happiness for the selfishness of one person.

Vivian gasped and opened her eyes in a start when she felt cold fingers wiping the tears from her face that had lost its colour.

"You need to rest" Dominic said as he picked her up in bridal style.

Vivian started pushing him on the chest "I-I can walk by myself" she muttered while blushing a little.

"Let your husband do it for you" Dominic said as he smirked while looking at her and entered a room with a large bed and a couch at the side. Private jets has these kind of rooms too? Vivian thought as she scanned the room in surprise.

Dominic carefully put her down on the soft bed as he took off his coat and vest and threw it on the couch and rolled up his sleeves to his elbows,his muscles flexed in the process as his well defined biceps were threatening to come out.

"Enjoying the show?" Dominic said as he looked at Vivian, who just blushed and looked away.

"It's ok, it's all yours" he said while squatting down in front of her while adjusting her hair behind her ear.

"I don't want it" Vivian whispered as she looked away again ignoring his burning gaze.

"Well darling you don't have a choice, you will get it tonight whether you like it or not. " he whispered dangerously near her ear while shooting her a cold glare as Vivian shivered in fear.

"Now sleep!" he barked, suddenly pissed at her as he picked up his laptop and sat on the couch while typing away.

Vivian quickly buried her face in the pillows and sleep soon came rushing to her.


Vivian was woken up by a loud ringtone as she heard a groan in her ear and shivered as warm breath fanned against her neck.

Two muscular arms unwrapped themselves from around her as Dominic sat up on the bed while cursing a little.

"What!" he yelled on the phone as Vivian sat up and scooted away from him in fear but Dominic held her arm holding her in place.

"I don't care, kill him" he yelled further as Vivian gasped a little, fearing how easily he ordered to kill someone.

"If you bother me again this week you know what will happen" he said as he cut off the phone and ran his fingers through his hair trying to suppress his anger.

"Why is it taking so long?" Vivian asked when she noticed that Dominic had calmed down a little.

"Well Paris is a little far" he said nonchalantly as he laid back down.

Vivian's eyes widened as she snapped her head back to look at him "But you said we'd go to Manchester after we are married! And what business do you even have in Paris!" Vivian whined and pouted a little disapprovingly as she just wanted to go back to the city she knew the most and finally relax a little.

Dominic pulled her by her arm resulting her face to hit against his rock hard chest as he pressed her body on top of him.

"It's our honeymoon gattina" that single sentence was enough for Vivian to lose her mind as Vivian's face twisted in distaste and she averted her gaze from his cunning blue eyes.

Dominic brought his hands up to her cheeks as he squeezed them painfully and made her look at him "Stop looking away from me" Dominic ordered in serious tone as his grip tightened when Vivian didn't answer him.

Vivian bit her inner lip trying to supress her cry of pain as she didn't wanted to look weak anymore.

Dominic brought his face closer to her as he pulled her lower lip with his teeth freeing it from her torture, "Don't bite it, it's mine to bite" he said as his lips pressed against her roughly kissing and biting her lips.

His hands kept traveling down until he finally reached her plump ass and squeezed it roughly earning a moan from her as he inserted his tongue and flipped their position.

Vivian tried pushing him away but he didn't budge and continued kissing her while squeezing her ass even roughly.

"I can't wait for tonight" Dominic whispered more to himself as he released her lips and started sucking on her neck.

"Stop please..or it's going to leave a mark" Vivian tried reasoning with him,coming up with the dumbest excuse.

"So? I'll mark your whole body, you're mine" he said as he bit her neck violently making her wince in pain.

A red liquid started pouring out from her neck, trailing down to her collarbone. Blood, Dominic thought as he licked the blood from her collarbone working his way to her neck.

Dominic raised his head to look at her glossy green eyes which were looking back at him with a scared expression, then his gaze traveled back to her red swollen plump lips which were asking to be kissed again and again.

He leaned towards her lips ignoring her constant protest and as he was about to kiss her, a loud knock interrupted "their" moment.

"FUCK!" Dominic cursed loudly near her lips making Vivian shrink in fear.

He slowly got off her as she sighed in relief "Don't worry darling,we will continue later" he said while giving her one last glare as he slowly walked towards the door while adjusting his pants.

Vivian sat up quickly on the bed, adjusting her hair as she saw a middle aged woman standing at the door "What?" Dominic barked in anger as he stared coldly at the shivering woman.

He is so rude! Vivian thought as she glared at his back.

"S-Sir i-it's time" she said while bowing down a little.

"Ok" he said to which the woman quickly nodded and left.

"Come let's go to our seat" he said while picking up his black coat and putting it on. Vivian quickly got out of the bed while fixing her clothes and followed him towards the seat.


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