Chapter 58

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Dominic's body stiffened as Vivian's hands caressed his arms in an attempt to calm him down.

"Happy Birthday Viv" Tyler said in a tired voice as tears welled from deep inside her heart, she never thought she would hear from Tyler or James again. They hadn't contacted her again since her engagement.

She clutched the phone more tightly against her ear as it dug through her soft flesh.

"Thank you" she replied but Dominic was getting impatient he wanted the phone call to be over with already.

His hands glided across her arms as he picked up her left hand and kissed the ring on her ring finger sensually.

Vivian lowly gasped as her heartbeat quickened at the smallest of the things Dominic did now.

"Look Viv I am really sorry for contacting you at all. I was just embarrassed that I couldn't save you.." he continued on but Vivian's full focus was on Dominic's lips as he kissed and sucked on the back of her neck.

She bit her lips trying to suppress her moans as she tried to push Dominic away, she turned her head and glared at him.

He replied with a smirk as his hands dipped towards her pussy drawing circles over her sensitive skin.

"Vivian are you listening?" Tyler said breaking her trance as she grabbed Dominic's hand.

"hmm" that was all she managed to say as Dominic harshly inserted his finger inside her.

"mmph!" her voice came out muffled as she clasped her hand over her mouth.

"Viv are you ok?" Tyler asked in urgently in a start as Vivian threw her head back on Dominic's wide shoulders while he kept pumping in and out of her, clearly enjoying the view.

"Y-yes I am f-ine" her voice came out as a screech when Dominic added one more finger inside her while sucking on her shoulder.

"Oh uhm" Tyler replied from the other side.

"Look Tyler I will c-all you back tomorrow ok?" Vivian tried her best to voice out in a strong manner but it trembled when Dominic's pace increased and licked her from her neck to her jawline.

"Ok but Vivian I just called to ask that can we meet? I just want to apologize" he asked. "Ok ok" Vivian replied not really knowing what she was agreeing to as Dominic lowly growled because he heard the whole thing.

"Hang up" Dominic whispered in her ear barely audible, she shivered when his hot breath fanned against her neck. And she did what he asked.

She hung up without even waiting for Tyler's response, it was as if she was beguiled by him. Dominic took her phone and switched it off and threw it away on the mattress.

Dominic instantly turned her around and pushed her on the mattress while hovering over her.He ripped her nightgown off of her as he sucked on her nipples.

His fingers curling up inside her while pumping in and out at an animalistic speed. Vivian moaned as her legs wrapped around his torso pulling him closer.

"We will talk about that twink later" Dominic whispered in her ear while biting her earlobe as she nodded and shivered when she felt something hot building up inside her.

"D-Dominic" she said breathlessly as she grabbed his shirt for support.

"Cum for me baby" he said before crashing his lips to her as she orgasmed like ever before while kissing him back with the same passion.

She huffed when Dominic pulled out his fingers and sat on his knees while taking out his shirt all the while keeping an eye contact with her.

Vivian blushed intensely as her hands reached out to cover herself, Dominic quickly removed his shirt and pants along with his boxers as his huge manhood sprang out.

He removed her hands from above her chest and pinned them to the side while intertwining their fingers.

"Don't hide from me gattina, I know your body better than you" his voice seductively came out making her tremble and wet down there.

His mouth latched to her perky breasts as he bit and sucked on one of her hardened nipples. Vivian threw back her head as she tried to run her hands through his dark hair but he had it pinned on both of her sides.

Vivian whined as she tried to free her hand but he held it down tightly. Dominic licked his way from her breasts to her neck making her moan out loud and forming a pool between her legs.

"Keep calm darling" he whispered and before Vivian could say anything she felt his tip slowly entering her entrance.

Vivian whimpered as she squeezed his hands tightly, she could feel him stretching her and the groans which left his mouth proved that he was trying his best not to slam right inside her.

Vivian groaned out as he finally fully entered her while huffing a little "Ready Gattina?" he questioned her as he kissed her cheeks and looked right at her. Vivian nodded shyly while biting the inside of her cheeks as Dominic let out a deep chuckle and finally released her hands and hugged her tightly as he started pumping in and out of her.

Vivian moaned in pleasure as she hugged him back while slightly scratching his back. He grunted out while increasing his pace while sucking on her sweet spot making her shake in intense delectation. "Dominic" she shivered as he held her more tightly, her soft breasts pressed against his hard chest.

"Yes baby?" he said while kissing her and started moving even faster than before, hitting all the right places. "I -ah" she couldn't complete when she felt the knot forming inside her again. Dominic kissed her roughly getting her message as he sucked on her tongue "It's ok darling let it go" he said softly.

Vivian released a string of cum as she held onto him tightly for dear life. Dominic groaned in pleasure when he felt her falls tightening against him and he knew he was near. "I love you" he announced before letting go and shooting his seeds deep inside her which Vivian welcomed with her constant moaning.

Sweat covered their bodies as they huffed intensely, Dominic kissed her vehemently to which she responded weekly because she was way too tired to moved. It was the first time Vivian felt happy after doing it with him, it was passionate and full of love.

She smiled in the kiss and Dominic smiled back as he kissed her cheeks and pulled out of her. He laid beside her and pulled her fragile body close to her while pulling the duvet over them.

"I love you so much" Dominic whispered as he kissed her forehead, his deep voice hypnotizing and comforting which instantly ushered her into deep slumber.


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