Chapter 34

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Mother when is Father coming back?" Dominic asked his mom who was busy cooking meals for her family even though the maids could have handled it.

Linda's brows furrowed as she turned around to see her son, who was freshly out of school asking for his father. 

She knew it wasn't about something nice "Why?" she questioned as she approached him while wiping her wet hands on her apron.

"He said he'd introduce me to the mafia once I am 18 and it's been 2 days since I have turned 18 and he has still not introduced me" he whined while putting his bag on the table.

His mother's heart thumped in her chest in nervousness as she gulped a little "I don't want you getting involved in the mafia, let your dad and his best friend  handle it" she said while rolling her eyes.

Dominic's face hardened as he looked at his nervous mother "Mother we already talked ab-" but before he could complete his sentence, he felt a small body against his legs followed by childish laughs and giggles.

"Big brother you are here!" Donna said as she gave him a wide grin.

Dominic smiled at her as he picked up his little bundle of joy "Hi Donna" he said as he kissed her on the cheeks while she giggled.

"I heard you made trouble for Daniel today" Dominic asked teasingly as she chuckled mischievously.

"She drew on my homework!" Daniel shouted while descending down the stairs, a dark red hoodie and a black headphone around his neck.

Dominic rolled his eyes as he looked at the younger boy "and that gave you the reason to skip school today?" he asked as he raised his eyebrows.

"Well kinda" Daniel responded as Donna started chuckling again.

"He is lying! He wasn't even going to school in the first place!" she said as she looked at Dominic.

Before Dominic could reply the doorbell rang as his mother's body stiffened in dread. "I'll deal with you later" he said as he gave Daniel a look before putting Donna down carefully and running towards the door to open it.

There stood his father with a black treasurer cigarette near his mouth as his raven black shoulder length hair shined due to the intruding sunlight.

His eyes dark blue eyes looked tired as his beard was unkept and unshaved for weeks. "Please come in" Dominic said to his father and the pale man beside him with his dark hair and dark grey eyes, something hidden within them which he refused to show to the world or atleast to them.

His father smiled as he ruffled Dominic's hair and entered with the man beside him.

"He is here as well" Ferdinado, the man with his father who was also his bestfriend and the second in command in the mafia said as he gave Dominic a glance and smiled a little "near the car looking for something" he completed as Dominic nodded and rushed outside to see his bestfriend, who he had been friends since as long as he could remember, standing near his car and looked for something with furrowed brows.

"What are you looking for?" Dominic asked as he looked at the pale boy who didn't seem to notice him and continued looking.

"Seth?" Dominic said again as he rested one of his tanned hands on his shoulders.

Seth gasped as he looked back to see his friend Dominic standing there and sighed in relief "I almost forgot where I put our diary" he said as he looked around.

"What?!What do you mean you forgot! You can't lose it!" Dominic said fearing that if it got lost it would be embarrassing for both of them.

Because  both of them kept a notebook that had everything written on it from all the Tv shows they had watched, the games they had played,  the pranks they had pulled to all the injuries their friends or family suffered, the loss they had encountered, the grief that they had been through.

"I know! But I can't find it!" Seth said as he looked under the carseats and Dominic's gaze fell on the car floor as he saw a brown leather diary lying in the side.

He sighed as he picked it up and hit the back of Seth's head, Seth groaned as he turned around to look at him "Here it is" Dominic said as Seth and Dominic grinned, relieved by the fact that their secrets were safe.

"Today is your turn to keep it" Seth said as Dominic nodded.


"I am thinking about handing the mafia business to Dominic" Damiano, father of Dominic and the current King of Mafia said as he gulped down his whiskey.

"But Damiano don't you think he is a little too young?" Ferdinado Wilson, father of Seth and the second in command said as Linda nodded in agreement.

"Yes dear, I think it's too early for him" she said as Lisa, their most trusted and oldest maid of the house set down a bowl of perfectly cut fruits and walked away after bowing to them.

"Linda I promised the boy and I don't think there is anyone more capable than him to become the next Mafia King" Damiano said as he puffed out the smoke from his cigarette.

Ferdinado fisted his hands as he gritted his teeth and looked down in rage, he now realized that the years he had spent with the Mafia King were useless because the next successor would be a little brat in his place.

"Don't you agree Ferdinado?" Damiano asked as he flipped through some pages of a file.

"O-Of course" Ferdinado lied while slightly shaking with rage. His anger intensified when his saw Dominic entering the mansion while laughing carelessly beside his own son!

He knew that he had to do something,  get rid of the boy and claim the position that always belonged to him.

"Come here my son" Damiano gestured Dominic to come and sit beside him while putting off his cigarette.

Dominic nodded as he happily came and sat beside his father, Ferdinado continued looking down finding it really hard to control his anger.

"I will introduce you as the next Mafia King this week" he said as Ferdinado lightly gasped and his eyes widened in surprise he knew he had to take a step fast.

Seth smiled happily as he heard that his friend would be announced the next mafia king, but his smile soon faded when his father glared at him.

He looked at him with a confusion-laced face "Well we better get going" Ferdinado said while standing up and giving Seth a look.

"But you just got here! Please stay for dinner" Linda said. After declining their offer politely Ferdinado grabbed Seth's hand tightly as he rushed out of the door.

"I'll be back" Seth said to Dominic while walking away who just nodded with a confused smile. Dominic didn't know that Seth would come back,

but not as a friend.

Seth quietly went with his father as a deep frown settled on his face and he clutched the brown diary to his chest completely missing out the opportunity to give it to Dominic.


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Stay Blessed!❤

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