Chapter 21

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Vivian suddenly woke up while shivering a little, cold air hitting her face. She scrunched her nose in annoyance as she opened her eyes, her eyes immediately fell on the air conditioning which was set at 18°C.

"Why is it so low" Vivian groaned as she reached for the ac remote and switched it off, her eyes shifted to the grey wall clock to see it was 7:30 in the morning.

She tried to get out of the bed but couldn't as two steel hands were wrapped around her as Dominic's face rested on her breast. Wait.. Bed? Vivian looked around in confusion and saw that it was indeed the bed.

She slowly moved his head from her breast as he lowly growled in anger but settled in the pillow, removing his hands from around her in the process.

Great! she highfived herself in her mind as she carefully got off the bed while Dominic grabbed her pillow and pressed it against his chest in his sleep.

Sleeping so peacefully like nothing happened, Vivian thought as she looked at him with a disgusted glare. Her head still hurted painfully from last night as she knew she had to take a relaxing shower.

She looked down at her clothes and blushed a little as she was still wearing Dominic's oversized blue shirt, she had to find something to wear before going in the bathroom, so she walked towards the closet and found a deep purple colored tshirt and light grey sweatpant.

She went inside the huge bathroom which amazed her yet again by it's gigantic size as she took a long relaxing shower before changing into the tshirt and sweatpants which were a little too big for her, so she rolled up the ends of her pants and the sleeves of the shirt and quietly exited the bathroom not wanting to wake up the monster.

Dominic was still sleeping while holding her pillow tightly and murmuring something in his sleep, his features were softened as he slept without a single care in the world.

Vivian's face broke down with a small smile.

Why can't he be like this?

She thought, as yesterday's flashback came into her head and she gritted her teeth in anger.

She noticed as he slightly shivered in his sleep missing her warmth and stirred a little. She slowly crept towards him as she pulled up the sheets on him and adjusted his pillows a bit.

Why am I even doing this?! Vivian thought, slightly annoyed by herself and as she was about to pull her hand away, a rough hand gripped it.

Her heart started beating in fear as she looked up slightly panicking, only to find his electric blue eyes staring right at her with an unreadable expression.

"Why" Dominic asked in his husky morning voice while looking into her eyes to find a reason for her kindness.

Why, Dominic questioned again in his mind as he didn't understand her caring for him, even after what he did. He looked at her beautiful doe like eyes as she was staring back at him with an innocent face.

That's right, I fell for her because of her kindness in the first place.

He thought as his heart squeezed a little remembering what he did to her yesterday. But she brought that upon herself, he reminded himself.

"I-I am going to Donna's room, let me go" she said as she tried to free her hand, Dominic raised his eyebrows as he saw the clock strike 7:50 am in the morning.

He slowly loosened his grip as Vivian quickly exited the room, leaving the agitated man behind.


"Come on Viv! Wear this!" Donna whined while holding her backless burgandy dress. Vivian had asked Donna to lend her a dress so she could go shopping with them as she didn't have any clothes herself.

"No Donna please" Vivian replied as she knew that if she wore a backless dress all her burn marks would be visible to others.

"Why Viv? It would look great on you, I could never pull it off even if I wanted to!" Donna whined again while pouting a little.

"No I d-" Vivian couldn't finish as Donna pulled up her shirt so she was just standing in her bra and sweatpants while laughing madly.

Vivian gasped as she tried to cover herself, "See! Now you sh-" Donna stopped speaking as her gaze landed on her burnt back and her eyes widened.

"VIVIAN WHAT HAPPENED?" Donna asked worriedly while removing her long red hair to the side and getting a proper view.

Vivian quivered as she took the tshirt from her and wore it quickly. "Big brother did it, didn't he?" Donna asked through gritted teeth as anger enveloped her.

"God what has he become!" Donna whispered as a few tears escaped her eyes as she looked at Vivian's scared form.

"Do you really love each other?Do YOU love him?" Donna asked with a worried expression.

"N-" but as Vivian was about to say the door burst open,revealing Dominic who had an expression that Vivian recognized the most,anger. Vivian shivered in fear as she quickly looked down.

"I heard from mother that you two were going out" he said, his gaze fixed on Vivian.

"B-Big brother" Donna stuttered as she stood in front of Vivian in a protective gesture.

Dominic looked at her with amusement "Donna why don't you go and pick out an outfit for my fiance" he said as he gave a warning glare to Donna, who slightly nodded and disappeared in her walk in closet before giving Vivian a worried look.

"I-I didn't say anything I swear" she said hurriedly as he slowly walked towards her.

"Shh darling I know" he whispered in her ear as he continued "Just remember what I said yesterday, you know what would happen if you mess anything up and even if you try to say anything, this--" he pointed towards the red ruby necklace that Vivian had received on her engagement "--has a tracker and a voice recorder, I will always know what you are doing, when you are doing or where you are doing something. Don't you dare take it off or there will be consequences my love"he whispered as Vivian nodded vigorously.

"Good girl"he said as he kissed her on the cheeks.

Donna quickly came out of the walk in closet and traced Vivian's body to check if there were any new hurt or burnt marks.

She sighed in relief as she didn't find any marks before handing her a black full sleeved button up dress with matching stockings and heels.

Dominic smirked, satisfied by the dress "Be back before 5pm" he said as he gave Vivian one last warning look and walked out of the room.


By the way I know this chapter was kinda boring,but trust me it gets interesting [new characters coming🔜]

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