Chapter 32

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The dark clouds surrounded the city of Manchester, thunders rumbled and lightning flickered.

It didn't feel like it was 7:30 am in the morning because in no time it started pouring heavily, as if the heavens were weeping for the poor girl that laid inside the mansion of her devil of a husband.

Vivian's eyes opened slowly with a light headache as she felt gentle fingers caressing her cheeks, the first thing she saw was toned abs and sheet till  his thighs, the same white sheet that covered her naked body.

She slowly looked up to see Dominic sitting on the bed beside her as he caressed her cheek with his right hand while holding a black cigarette with the other one as he kept looking at her with an unreadable expression.

Vivian's heart thumped as she saw the all too familiar cigarette on his hand, all the bad memories rushing in. Vivian scurried away on the bed but hissed in pain as she felt a sharp pain between her legs and bit her inner cheeks to suppress her screams.

Dominic noticed her fear for his cigarette as he put it off and kept it on the nightstand. Dominic wrapped his hands around her waist as he picked her up and settled her on his lap earning a surprised yelp from her.

Vivian didn't say anything and just stirred uncomfortably on his lap, Dominic brought his hand forward as he slightly touched her bruised cheek which had turned a light purple colour.

Vivian sucked in her breath as her heart started thumping vigorously fearing what he might do but his next actions surprised her.

Dominic slowly brought his hand to her swollen and bloodied lips as he wiped the dry blood with his fingers as Vivian hissed in pain.

His eyes travelled to her beautiful green eyes which looked tired and frowned when he saw dark circles under it.

His eyes shifted to her thighs as he saw various hand imprints and bruises scattered on her once spotless skin, his hand travelled to her back as he saw the scar of cigarette burns still prominent as Vivian shivered a little.

His heart hurt as a lot of emotions enveloped him for the first time in years. He couldn't bare the fact that it was none other than him who had caused this.

But it was her fault, he thought but deep down he knew it wasn't,  he was the who forced her again and again. Even though Dominic was completely clueless as to what lovers did but he was sure as hell that this wasn't it. He looked up to her eyes only to find her looking at him with scared eyes.

"Are you ok?" Dominic asked and Vivian's eyes widened in surprise because this was the first time he had ever asked for her opinion on anything. 

Vivian quickly nodded as she looked down in fear, Dominic tilted his head in guilt as he looked down at the small quivering form in front of him.

He dipped his head and rested it on her shoulders "I am sorry" he whispered, it was the first time he had ever apologized to anyone in his life but he knew that if he wouldn't have done it he would surely regret it.

Vivian gasped as she turned her head towards him only to find him already looking at her with eyes full of sincerity.

"F-For what?" Vivian asked in a heavy voice as her vision clouded.

"For everything" he replied as his hold tightened around her waist but not as painful as usual.

Vivian looked away refusing to melt just from his little apology after all that he had done to her.

Dominic sighed in defeat "Love go get ready, today I want you with me in the office" he said as he slowly put her down on the bed and kissed her cheeks before walking out of the room.

A few tears escaped Vivian's eyes as she looked at his retreating back remembering what had happened to her in this past month.


Vivian knocked on the door at the end of the hallway in the mansion where Dominic's office was, he had started working from the mansion these past few weeks as the workload had increased and he considered going to office a waste of time plus he didn't wanted to leave Vivian alone in the mansion for long.

"Come in" a deep voice commanded. Vivian slowly entered the huge room while adjusting her burgandy shawl because it was quiet cold today. She closed the door behind her as she took in the magnificent room.

With a gold chandelier, a posh dove chaise couch and a large wooden barrister bookshelf filled with various books.

"Darling come here" Dominic beckoned her from behind the mahogany table as he kept the file he was reading till now aside, Vivian quietly made her way towards him as she stood beside him.

"Come sit" he said as he patted on his lap, Why is he being so nice? Vivian thought, a little confused by the sudden change of his attitude but sat on his lap hesitantly.

Dominic inhaled her scent as he kissed her hair "You sit here while I do my work Ok?" he whispered in her ear as she shivered a little and nodded.

Dominic smirked and started typing away in his laptop, kissing Vivian every now and then.

Vivian's eyes wandered around the room. She saw a photo frame which had a photo of her in it, in the photo she was looking away and it seemed  like she was standing on the other side of the road, she smiled a little because she had never imagined he would have her photo on his work desk.

She tore her gaze from the photo frame and looked around when suddenly her gaze stopped at an opened file.

Inside there was a photo of a man with a chiseled face and those haunting  dark grey eyes that Vivian could recognize anywhere.

"Seth Wilson" Vivian breathed out completely lost in her thought, Dominic's hands stopped as his body stiffened.

Vivian gasped as she realized what she said and slowly looked up to see Dominic give her a questioning glare with his jaw clenched and his hands fisted tightly in anger.

"How do you know him?" Dominic questioned as his hands went down and slightly caressed her stomach.

His tone low but Vivian knew he was doing his best not to show his anger, "H-His name is written there?" Vivian tried to lie as she pointed towards the opened file,not even sure that there even was a name or not.

Dominic's eyebrows furrowed as he first looked at her and then at the file. When he stressed his eyes too much then he saw small imprints "Seth Wilson" , Dominic's jaw clenched as he realized that it was practically impossible for her to see from such distance.

He read the name because he already had an unconscious understanding of that name and his brain probably guessed it but it was impossible for his little wife who claimed that she had read it for the first time.

"Gattina you know I hate liars right?" he said, his tone darkening after each word as Vivian audibly gulped in fear with a racing heart.

She sighed finally giving up and decided to tell him the truth "I-I met him when I went to buy bridesmaid dresses with Donna and my friends" she stuttered while playing with the lace hem of her yellow sundress.

Dominic eyes widened in shock as his blood boiled, he slammed his fist on the table as he looked at Vivian with murderous glint.


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