Chapter 15

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Vivian started shaking due to all the overwhelming feelings that came crashing down on her.

When Linda stood up to go to the kitchen to grab something, a cold and big hand was placed on her hands as they squeezed it reassuringly.

And that was all it took for Vivian to break down in small silent sobs as she looked up at Dominic to find him already looking at her.

"Dominic please don't do this, I don't want to get married" Vivian whispered while wiping down her tears, she didn't want to get married to him.

All she ever wanted was to become a doctor and help people and to live her life independently. The hand that was kept reassuredly on top of her own till now, squeezed it painfully as Dominic's eyes shined in anger.

Vivian had no idea that Dominic has had this planned for years now, since the day he saw her he knew he had to make her his.

He had already gotten all the preparations for the wedding planned and completed. And now his bride was rejecting him? He knew he needed to show her place to her so that she never defies him in the future.

"Too bad you don't have a choice, we are getting engaged tomorrow and married this Saturday. And that's the end of it!" Dominic barked in anger leaving no room for discussion as he glared at the poor girl.

But Vivian wasn't going to back down anytime soon as this was about her future, she agreed yesterday because she had no options, but not today.

"Does your mother know that you are forcing me to marry you?" she asked bravely keeping her head held up high, trying not to quiver from his piercing gaze.

"Are you threatening me, little girl?" Dominic asked, his eyebrows raised in amusement as he glared at her.

"Think what you want to think" she said as she snapped her head towards the kitchen, watching Linda prepare something.

"You think just because I am here, I can't kill your parents?" he asked in a low deep voice as he took out his phone, flipped through his contacts, and called someone.

"Yes boss" a grim voice spoke from the other side of the phone.

"Send me the video of what they are doing right now" Dominic ordered and hung up all while giving Vivian a death stare, Vivian gulped audibly as sweat drops started trickling down her forehead.

A low beep was produced from Dominic's phone as he smirked sinisterly and played the video.

Vivian's eyes widened when she saw her mother eating lunch, while her father sat beside her reading a book, her eyes immediately fell on the wall clock of the blue-colored hospital wall to see it was 1:20 pm.

She quickly checked her white run-down Ted Baker watch and saw that it was exactly 1:21 pm, few tear drops cascaded down her pearl white skin as she realized that she had yet again put her parents at risk.

As Vivian was about to apologize to the degenerate man sitting beside her before he does anything the front door opened with a bang and entered a beautiful girl with black hair followed by an equally attractive male behind her with black hair and sharp facial features carrying a lot of bags.

"This isn't over" Dominic whispered huskily in her ears causing goosebumps to erupt throughout her skin, as she slightly nodded.

The girl with black hair smiled widely when she noticed Vivian and Dominic sitting on the couch as she ran towards them and gave Dominic a quick hug before turning to Vivian.

"My God, you are so beautiful!" the girl chirped in her melodious voice as she held Vivian's hand.

Vivian slightly blushed and thanked her, "I have wanted to meet you for so long! But big brother never has the time!" she complained sullenly as Vivian's eyes widened in surprise.

"Wanted to meet you for so long?"

But they had just met a few days ago?

Vivian thought as she looked at Dominic questionably, but he just looked at her emotionlessly.

"Mhm Hi, I am Vivian," Vivian said awkwardly not really knowing what to say to the outgoing girl.

"Oh yes, I know! And I am Donna Bernardi and this is Daniel Bernardi" she said while pointing towards the black haired who was talking to Dominic, he looked at Vivian and smiled politely before resuming talking to his brother.

Vivian looked at Donna to see her light blue eyes shining in excitement as she looked at her, Damn why are all the Bernardi's so attractive, Vivian thought.

"Now I know why big brother decided to end his saint life and get married. You know he has never even touched a woman before" Donna rambled as she rolled her eyes and Vivian snickered a little when Dominic cleared his throat indicating he heard everything and glared at Donna who just laughed like a maniac.

Soon Linda joined them as they talked and laughed for hours.


"Ok kids time for dinner" Linda shouted from the dining room, as they all stood up walking towards the dining room while Donna and Vivian talked about various random things.

My eyes brightened up when I saw golden brown fig rolls with powdered sugar in a bowl on the table.

"Eat as much as you like dear, I tried my hardest to make it. I know it's your favorite" she said as she sat down with all of us while the maids served our dishes.

"How did you know these were my favorites?" Vivian asked confused and touched by Linda's gesture.

"Why of course Dominic told me," Linda said while gulping down the food.

Oh did he now?

Vivian thought as she gave Dominic a questionable look beside her which he again replied with an emotionless face. Vivian shrugged and gulped down the fig rolls and moaned in delight at its delicious flavor and she could almost hear Dominic groaning from beside her.

"These are delicious," She said as she gave Linda a happy smile who sighed in relief.

"So big brother have you announced it in the Mafia?" Daniel deeply said something for the first time and Vivian could feel the atmosphere turn stiff around her.

She looked across at Donna to see a serious expression now adorned her flawless face and Linda clicked her tongue disapprovingly at something.

Wait... Did he just say Mafia?!


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