Chapter 1

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Xander's POV

I sit in the living room with my younger brother, we agreed to babysit a kid of one of our brothers.

But we only have to do it for the next few minutes, because dad will be here soon.

Today, I will be meeting my next patient.

He's from a different pack, but he's on his way here, and he should be here in about half an hour.

So, when dad comes back, I leave the living room, and I go up the stairs, so I can get ready for the day.

It's very early, but I'm used to waking up at this hour, so it's nothing new for me.

When I'm ready, I go out of the house, and I go towards the pack house, where I'm supposed to meet Jasper.

I wonder why his father decided that I will be a better choice, over our pack therapist, who knows a bit more than me, but I guess that he thought that if I'm a specialist at my age, than I must be very good at what I'm doing.

I don't think that he's wrong, and Jasper's case seems easy enough for the beginning of my career, so I agreed for him to move into my house.

Of course, I asked my parents and my brother about their opinion about it, because they live there too, but they didn't have anything against this.

I decide to stand next to the parking lot, which is on the side of the pack house, and I wait for Jasper to get here.

Not much later, I see a car, and I guess that Jasper is inside of it, so I wait for it to find a parking space, and then I go towards it.

"He's still sleeping." One of the men who sits in the front of the car says.

"Still?" I ask him, wondering how long Jasper already slept.

"Yeah, he was asleep since we left, and that's a lot of time." He responds, so I nod.

I will definitely have to keep an eye on how long he will be sleeping at my house.

I ask the guards to get out of the car for a few minutes, which they do, and they go to the pack house to have something to eat, before they will drive back to their pack.

I slide inside of the car, and I close the door, which wakes Jasper up.

He looks the window for a few seconds, most likely trying to find out where he is.

Then he moves his head my way, and he jumps slightly when he realises that I'm here.

But soon the scared expression is replaced by a frown.

"Who are you?" He asks me.

"I'm Xander, I will be your therapist." I tell him with a kind smile, hoping that it will calm him a bit.

"I didn't know that they already sent me here, I fell asleep in my house, and I just woke up." He tells me sadly.

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