Chapter 3

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Calum's POV

My brother was gone for just a few days, and I already miss him.

I wonder how long he will have to stay there, and I hope that it will be just a few weeks.

It's weird to not see him around, lately he was spending more time here again, and now I can't even visit him at his mate's house.

Alex decided to stay in our house for the first two days, but the he went back to live with his brother, which makes me feel even more lonely.

At least I have Stephan here, and dad stays at the house too, but I don't really talk to him much.

I know that it's not his fault that Jasper needs help, but I still blame him for choosing to send him away, instead of finding a specialist that would come here.

When I can't stand the silent house, I walk out of my room, and I go to Stephan's room, which is right next to mine.

I open the door without knocking, and Stephan glares at me for this, but I just smile at him innocently, before I sit on his bed.

"What do you want?" He asks me.

"I'm bored." I tell him.

"I will hang out with you later, I have to study now." He tells me, and he looks back to the papers, which are laying around his desk.

"Can't you study later?" I ask him, and he shakes his head.

It seems that he's not in mood today, so I sigh to myself, and I decide to go to my dad instead.

When I get downstairs, I find dad in the living room, and he's watching some movie on the TV, which makes me frown.

"Why aren't you working?" I ask him, and he looks at me with a shrug.

"I already finished what I wanted to do today." He tells me, so I nod and I sit next to him.

"I'm bored." I inform him.

"Go hang out with your brother." He suggests, and I shake my head.

"He prefers to study." I tell him, and he laughs.

"Then go find your friends." He says.

"I don't have any friends." I tell him.

That's only half truth, I do have a few friends, but two of them are a lot older than me and they already have their families to worry about.

And the other one just sent his mate away to some therapist, so I really doubt that he will want to hang out.

"Find some friends then." Dad says, and I laugh slightly.

"I think that I would prefer to stay here." I tell him.

I'm definitely not a fan of the people from this pack.

I'm the son of an Alpha, and everyone wants to be my friend, but they're all fake, and I don't need fake friends, so I'm friends just with people that come from a family that is important in this pack.

This way I can make sure that I have real friends.

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