Chapter 12

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Xander's POV

I stare at Alex for a long moment, and he stares right back.

"Would you like something to drink, Xander?" Oliver asks me, and I nod, so he goes out of the living rooms.

I introduce myself to Edward, and then I sit on the couch next to Alex, while Jasper sits on his other side, and he cuddles to Alex.

"Is he doing alright?" Alex asks me, and I nod.

"He needs a bit more time, but it's definitely not as serious as you guys made it seem, so he will be fine." I say with a kind smile.

"That's good, I was worried about him." Alex says. "How long will you stay here?" He asks me.

"I'm staying just for a few days, then I will take Jasper back to my pack, so we can continue the therapy." I say.

"Will it be alright is I will stay with him in his room while you're here?" He asks me hopefully, and I want to say no, but I can't bring myself to say it.

"You can stay with him." I say, and he hugs me as a thank you.

I hug him back, then I look at Jasper, and I see that he's glaring at his mate playfully, most likely not liking the fact that he pulled away from him.

It makes me laugh  and this makes Alex pull back to see why I'm laughing.

Alex hits Jasper on the back of the head gently, and Edward just shakes his head in amusement.

Oliver comes back with a glass of juice, with some ice cubes in it, so I thank him when he hands it to me.

"I headed that you're a therapist?" Oliver asks.

"Yeah, the pack therapist was teaching me everything that he knows since I was a kid, so I know quite a lot." I tell him.

"That's impressive." Edward says, and then he gives Alex and Jasper a pointed look. "Not many people like to learn, especially if they don't have to." He tells me.

"I know a lot of things." Jasper tried to argue, but Edward waives him off, and Alex just rolls his eyes.

We talk for a bit longer, before I notice that it's starting to get dark, so then I tell the guys to get ready to go.

I'm use to papa's rules, and one of them is that we can't go outside of the house when it's dark, so I don't even ask them if it's alright in this pack.

I wouldn't feel safe if I was walking through an unfamiliar pack in the darkness, so I don't care if they want to go yet to not.

Thankfully they don't argue, and a few minutes later, we're walking towards Jasper's house.

I thought that we will be staying in the pack house, but Jasper said that he has a guest room, that I can use it, so we will stay there.

It's fine with me, so I just follow him and Alex, I don't really care where I will be staying, but I do appreciate that I will be able to be close to Alex for the next few days.

Because I would like to get to know him as best as I can, in the short amount of time that we will have.

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