Chapter 6

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Xander's POV

The next morning, all of my parents went to the pack that Jasper's from, so that left only dad behind.

At first, they agreed that only papa will go there, but tata decided that he didn't want to wait any longer to see his son, and he forced papa to let him come too.

And they didn't want to leave dad behind, even though he told them that he will be alright without them for a few days, so they dragged him with them.

Which should have meant that we will have the whole house for ourselves, but we're not that lucky, because we had two choices.

The first was that we will go to one of our brothers, while the second was that uncle Greyson will come here.

My brother chooses to go Scott's house, while I didn't want to force Jasper to move, so I decided that we will stay.

At least uncle Greyson only comes here when it's getting dark, along with a few visits in the day, so it's not that bad.

To be honest I don't really know him that much, he used to visit us often when I was a kid, but he stopped doing it a long time ago.

From what I heard, papa and uncle Greyson had an argument, and they didn't talk to each other for a long time, then they started to talk again, but uncle Greyson wasn't coming here at all.

So, it surprised me that out of all of the people, papa chooses his brother to watch us.

But it could have been a lot worse, he could have asked the former Gamma to do it, and I definitely wouldn't have liked it.

That man is way too annoying, and he's very stern, so we don't get along, to be honest he annoys me even when we pass each others.

Jasper and I are currently sitting in his bedroom, and I asked him to tell me more about Alex, which turned out into a very long conversation.

But we have to end it, when we hear the front door open.

I sniff the air, and I can already tell that it's one of my brothers, so I tell Jasper that I will be back shortly, and I walk out of his room.

"Hey." I say when I reach Wyatt.

"Hi." He says. "Is dad here?" He asks me.

"No. He went to see Alex and Oliver, along with tata and papa." I tell him, and his eyes widen.

"You didn't know that?" I ask him, and he shakes his head.

"How did they find them?" He asks me curiously.

So I lead him into the living room, and I explain the whole situation.

He looks like he doesn't know if I'm kidding or not, but then he nods his head.

"I really hope that they will find them." He tells me.

"Yeah, they were looking for them for a lot of years now, and I would like to finally meet my twin brother." I say.

We talk for a while longer, before he goes out of the house, and I go back to Jasper, hoping that he will tell me more about my brother.

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