Chapter 34

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Calum's POV

I look at Jasper, and we stare at each other for a long moment, trying to decide who will tell him, I roll my eyes when he gives me a pleading look, and then I turn to see Stephan

"Alex and Xander are pregnant." I tell him.

He looks at me for a while, either trying to see if I'm kidding, or trying to get a hold of his emotions.

Then he smiles at us, but I know that it's a bit forced.

As I thought, he's happy for us, but he's also jealous, although he most likely won't be angry about it, because he understands that this wasn't really our choice.

"That's great." He says. "I'm happy for you guys." He tells us, before he comes into the living room, and he sits on the couch next to dad.

It surprises me a bit, because I expected him to go to his room to be alone, and try to come to terms with this situation.

"Thanks." We say.

"Who will be giving birth first?" He asks us curiously.

"Xander, he's already in the first month, and I think that Alex just got pregnant." I say, before I look at Alex for confirmation.

He nods, so Stephan smiles happily, and I'm sure that now it's not forced.

I think that the fact that he will be able to play with our kids is more important to him than the jealousy that he surely is feeling.

I hope that he will find his mate soon, because he's the only person that I know who really deserves to have the best mate.

We stay here for a little longer, before we decide to go back to Jasper's bedroom, so we can call my family, and tell them that Alex and I are pregnant.

We sit on the bed, and I take my phone out, before I call my parents.

"Hey." Papa says right after he picks up the call.

"Hi." I say. "How are you?" I ask him.

"I'm good. And how are you?" He asks me.

"I'm alright." I say. "Are dad and tata with you?" I ask him.

"Not at the moment, but I can tell them to come here." He tells me.

"I would appreciate it." I say, so he nods, and then he hangs up, so I look at my companions, and they smile at me.

Not much later, my phone rings, so I pick it up, and I look at my fathers.

"What do you want to tell us?" Dad asks.

"I'm pregnant." I tell them, and they stare at me, not saying anything.

It takes a few long seconds for them to finally react.

"That's awesome." Dad tells me, and then all of them start to congratulate me.

"Alright." I say, stopping their cheering. "There's more." I tell them, and I look at Alex.

"More?" Tata asks with a frown, most likely not knowing if he should expect something good or bad.

Alex switches places with Calum, so he can see our parents.

"Alex's pregnant too." I tell them, and they start to cheer again, which makes our mates laugh.

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