Chapter 23

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Xander's POV

Alex agreed to meet our brothers, so I told my parents to invite them here, and we decided that it will be too much for everyone if their mates and kids will be here too.

So, we decided that they will meet only my brothers, and I will introduce the rest out our family to them the next time that they will come here.

Which will most likely be soon, because I doubt that is will manage to survive for more than a month without seeing my family.

And they will most likely come here with me.

Now, we're in the room that Jasper and Alex are staying in, and my younger brother is here with us.

We have been here for two days, and we will be leaving tomorrow, but before we will leave, we will see the rest of my brothers.

We talk for a while longer, before we hear the front door opening.

I look at Alex to see if he still wants to meet our brothers, and he nods at me, so I open the bedroom door, and all of us go down the stairs.

Alex seems to like Quinton, or more like he likes the fact that he's not the youngest.

So, I know that he will like some of our brothers, but I really doubt that he will like all of them, because I'm pretty sure that I'm the only one out of my siblings who can stand all of my brothers.

When we reach the living room, I let Alex and Jasper walk in first, and Denver, Tyler and Scott introduce themselves to them.

They seem happy to meet Alex  and even happier that he already found his mate.

When they're done, I introduce Calum and then Stephen, before all of us sit on the couch.

We talk for a while, mainly about the life at Alex's pack, and then the front door opens, before Elliott, Wyatt, Reggie and Hugh come inside of the living room.

They introduce themselves to everyone, and right when they sit down, the front door opens again.

And the rest of my brothers walk inside.

They introduce themselves as well, and then all of them try to get to know everyone.

They seem to get along, but I doubt that they would if they knew each other for long.

When my brothers leave, I can see that Alex is already tired, most likely because he had to force himself to remember all the names, and match them to our brothers faces.

The conversations were mainly concentrated on Alex, but my brothers also asked the rest of the guys a few questions.

I can also see that my parents are happy that they got to see almost all of their kids together, but I know that they would want Oliver to be here too.

Well two of them would, and the third one would want to have a good chance to kill him.

Tata seems to forgot that I will be moving out tomorrow, because he was happy the whole time that my brothers were here, but now I can see that he's angry again.

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