Chapter 26

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Calum's POV

Xander and Alex decided that they want to hang out only with each other today, so I forced my brothers to hang out with me.

I don't think that Stephan likes it, and I have no idea what his problem is lately, but he doesn't like to spend time with us anymore.

And I will have to find out why, because I'm a bit hurt by that.

We used to spend a lot of our free time together, and now I have to force Stephan to pay attention to me every time that I want to hang out with him.

I take Jasper and Stephan to the pack house, but we quickly realise that we won't have any space to hang out in the teenagers' room, so we decide to go to the back yard.

There are a few people here, but they're far enough from us to not be able to hear us, especially because the music is playing from someone's speaker.

So, I look at Stephan, and I decide that it's a good time to ask him what his problem is lately.

"Do you not like us anymore?" I ask him, trying to make him feel guilty.

I know my brother enough to know that he won't tell me anything if I won't pressure him to say it.

"Why would you say that?" He asks with a frown, and Jasper looks at me questioningly.

I'm not sure if Jasper noticed it, I think that he was glad that Stephan left him alone for a long time, so he didn't question why he's not bothering him anymore.

I hope that it doesn't have anything to do with the fact that we're not his full brothers, because it really doesn't matter to any of us.

"You don't want to hang out with us anymore. I have to force you to talk to me most of the time." I tell him.

"I'm a bit busy with studying." He tells me, but I already know that it's a lie, he never had to study this much to have very good grades.

"You're not." I tell him. "Why are you almost ignoring us?" I ask him sternly.

"Did you make me come here to ask me about it?" He asks me, with irritation clear in his voice.

"No, but I have to know what's wrong with you." I tell him.

"Is this about the fact that we're not full brothers?" Jasper asks him, and Stephan shakes his head.

"Then what's all of this about?" I ask him, with concerned tone.

He looks at the sky for a long while, before he sighs, and then he looks at me.

"I have that the both of you have mates already, and I didn't meet mine yet." He tells me.

"You will find them soon." I assure him, and Alex agrees.

"Hopefully." Stephan says, while he draws some thing on the ground with a rock.

I guess that I will have to leave him alone for now, if that's what he's sad about, because I really don't want him to feel more jealous than he already is.

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