Chapter 29

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Xander's POV

I groan, and I roll on my other side when Calum tries to talk to me again.

I regret hanging out with Denver, or at least bringing my mate with me, and that's because Denver gave him a fantastic idea, which Calum likes very much.

Denver told him that he should convince me to bottom for him, and I definitely don't like this idea.

Mostly because there's a big chance that I will get pregnant, and I have told this to Calum, but he doesn't seem to mind having a kid.

But I don't want to have any kids for a long time, so there's no chance that I will let him make my pregnant in next few years.

"But, it's not fair." Calum says with a pout, and I turn to look at him.

"I didn't want a kid." I tell him.

"We don't have to have kids, we can use protection." He tells me.

"It doesn't really work for werewolves." I remind him.

"It does." He says, and I look at him with an arched eyebrow. "Well, it doesn't work every time, but it will work a few times." Calum assures me.

"I don't believe you." I tell him, and he groans.

"Let's go to the Doctor then, we can ask him what he has to say about it." He tells me, so I think about it for a while.

"Alright, but if he will say that it doesn't work, then you won't bring this up for a long time." I tell him.

"And if it will work, then you will bottom for me." He says, and I nod in agreement, buy it's a very reluctant nod.

So, we chance out clothes, and we go to the pack hospital.

The only thing that I can think about on our way there are all the ways that I can silently convince the Doctor to say that I'm right.

I really hope that he will agree with me, but I also know that Calum knows more about it than I do so I'm a bit scared of the Doctor's reply.

When we enter the hospital we wait on the Doctor in the corridor, and when he meets us, Calum doesn't waste any time, and he asks the question, before the Doctor can even greet us.

The Doctor thinks for a while, and then he tells us that we should be fine for a while, because it takes most of the people a long time to get pregnant if they're careful.

It makes me groan in annoyance, but I follow my mate out of the pack house, before we go back to the house.

He smiles the whole way there, while I think about all the things that I can do to make him forget about it.

But I don't even try, because I really doubt that anything will work now.

When we reach the house, I let him drag me up the stairs, and he lock the door behind us, while I go towards the be bed, and I lay down on it, then I wait for him to join me.

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