Chapter 14

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Xander's POV

"That's great." Alex answers, and my mate smiles at him.

"What's your name?" I ask him.

"Calum." He says.

"I'm Xander." I tell him, and he nods.

"I know." He tells me. "Your parents told us a lot of things about you." He says.

"I hope that all of them were good things." I respond.

"I don't think that they couldn't say anything bad about you, if they did then they were lying." Jasper says, and I chuckle.

"Believe me, there's a lot of bad things they could say about me." I say, although I know that it's half a lie.

I'm a good kid, and I think that I was for a very long time, although even the good kids aren't good all the time.

And I'm not a very obedient type of a kid, so my parents had to make a different parenting techniques just for me, because the ones that they were using on my brothers didn't work very well on me.

At least they realised that, and they managed to raise me to be a good person.

Jasper waives me off, as if saying that he doesn't believe me.

"Hey guys." A boy, who I guess is Stephan, says as he nears us, so we greet him, and he introduces himself to me, before he pats Jasper on his shoulder, then he turns to Calum.

"Is dad here already?" He asks, and Calum shakes my head.

"Where are you going?" Alex asks them, seeming to notice that they're dressed in nice clothes.

"Dad is forcing us to go with him to some stupid meeting, and we won't be here for the next few days." Calum says, and I'm sure that Calum cna see my disappointed expression.

"Alright, we're..." Isaac says as he walks towards us, but he stops when he sees that everyone is here. "Hi guys. I didn't know that you will be here." He says.

"I wanted to ask if it will be alright if Alex, Xander and I will stay here instead of going to the pack house." Jasper says.

"Of course, you can stay here for as long as you wish." Isaac tells him with a smile.

"Can I stay here too?" Calum asks, pouting slightly, so Isaac turns around to look at him, and he shakes his head in amusement.

"No, I would like to stay too, but we have a meeting to attend." Isaac tells him.

"But I want to get to know my mate." Calum says, most likely hoping that it will convince his father to let him stay.

"Your mate?" He asks with a frown, then he turns to look at me, and I smiles at him with a slight nod, to confirm that Calum's talking about me.

"Well, you can stay here then." Isaac agrees.

"I want to stay too." Stephan tells him, and Isaac groans.

"You can stay. I already know that I won't hear the end of it, if I will force only you to come with me." Dad says, and Stephan almost jumps in happiness, which makes everyone chuckle.

Isaac says goodbye, and then he goes out of the house.

So, I look at Calum again.

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