Chapter 9

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Calum's POV

"You can't be serious." Mason says, almost shouting.

Alex stands up to have the high advantage, but he doesn't have it for long, because Mason stands up too.

"I wouldn't want to be a prisoner in my own pack." Alex says harshly. "Is that so hard to get?" He asks.

"The laws aren't that bad, Oliver just hated that he's the only Omega out of a lot of siblings." Mason tells him, pleading Alex to take his side.

"I wouldn't want to be an Omega either, especially in a pack that has strict rules for Omegas. I'm not even an Omega!" Alex says, definitely annoyed by this conversation.

I guess that he doesn't like his parents at all.

I hear some coughing and everyone turns to look at Oliver, who sits up on the couch, before he looks around.

"Did you tell him anything?" Oliver asks when his eyes find Alex.

"He knows everything now, but he said that we did a good thing, so it will be fine." Edward says, and he gives Oliver the glass of water that Andrew brought here earlier.

"Hi there." Carter says, as he stares at Oliver.

He looks like he's happy, sad and annoyed at once.

"Hi." Oliver answers reluctantly, but he doesn't look at his father.

Edward tells the kids to go upstairs, and they try to argue with him, but they end up going to their rooms anyway.

"Do you want to explain what all this hiding was for?" Carter asks Oliver with an arched eyebrow.

"I think that you can guess. I didn't want you to take Alex back, I couldn't let you rise him there." Oliver tells him harshly.

"What if I will decide that I don't think that this pack is good for one of your kids? Should I just take him with me?" Masons asks, and Oliver glares at him.

"I dare you to touch any of my kids." Oliver threatens him, and Edwards looks like he's about to punch him.

"Mason, I will carry you out of here if you won't calm down, sit down." Carter tells him sternly, then he turns to Alex.

"Alex, I would be glad if you could sit down too." Carter says.

Both of them sit down, although Alex takes a moment to consider if he should to it.

"We will be taking Alex with us." Mason tells Oliver sternly.

"You won't do anything like that." Edward says, and Carter hits the back of Mason's head, before he stands up, then he picks Mason up, and he carries him outside.

We stay quiet until he returns, but I can see that Alex looks scared, so I move to sit next to him.

"We won't take you with us if you don't want to go back to our pack, so don't be scared, Mason's just a bit too emotional when it comes to you." Carter explains when he enters the room again.

"I noticed." Alex tells him, and Carter rolls his eyes.

"He's not usually like this." Carter says, and Timmy confirms.

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