Chapter 28

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Xander's POV

A few days later, I wake up because someone's knocking on the bedroom door, so I groan, before I stand up to open it.

I would have most likely forced Calum to do it, but he's in the school, which means that I have to do it myself.

When I open the door, I frown, because in front of me stands my eldest brother, who's the Alpha of my former pack.

My frown quickly turns into a smile, before I hug him tightly.

He hugs me back with a chuckle, but he makes me pull away a few seconds later.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him.

"I have a meeting here, so I thought that I will come here to see how you're doing." He says.

"I'm good. What about your?" I ask him.

"I'm alright." He tells me.

"How long will you stay?" I ask him.

"I will have to leave tomorrow, most likely in the evening." He tells me.

"So, we have a bit of time to hang out." I say, and he nods.

I invite him inside of the bedroom, and he sits on the bed, so I sit next to him.

This is a very nice surprise, and I feel stupid for forgetting that Denver comes here every once in a while for meetings.

We talk for a long while, until Denver has to go because of the meeting, so I reluctantly let him go, and then I walk him down the stairs, where Isaac is waiting on him.

I watch as they go out of the house, before I go back to the bedroom, but I can enter it, I decide to go to Stephan instead.

He should be at school, but he's very smart and he prefers to learn everything by himself, so Isaac lets him skip school as much as he wants, as long as he will have good grades.

I knock in his door, and it opens only a few seconds later, so I smile at him, and I walk inside when he steps to the side.

"Why are you here?" He asks me, before he sits on his bed, so I sit on his desk chair, and I look at him.

"I got bored." I tell him, but the truth is that I started to miss my family, and I need him to keep me some company.

"You're just like your mate." He tells me, and I chuckle while he rolls his eyes.

"Why?" I ask him.

"Because when he gets bored, be comes here too." Stephan tells me.

We both laugh at this, and then we start to talk about Calum.

He tells me a lot of stupid things about him, and about him as a kid, which makes me hope that Calum won't ask my brothers to tell him anything about me.

"By he way. Is Jasper still having the therapy with you?" He asks me, and I nod.

"Yes, but he doesn't need it at all, I mostly just ask him how he's doing, and if he's not fine, then we talk about his problems." I tell him, and he nods in acknowledgement.

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