Chapter 49

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Xander's POV

Isaac tells us that we can walk out of the safe room, but he looks like he's about to panic, so I know that somethings wrong.

"What's going on?" Edward asks.

"Flavia is leading the attack. Well, her new boyfriend is, and they have a lot of rogues, so I'm not sure if we stand a chance. They just keep coming, and we're losing a lot of people." He tells us.

"We have to go then." Edward tells him.

"Yes, I know, but I'm not sure if we will manage to get out of the pack lands. I told one of the guards to tell the people that were hiding in the pack house to run, and they all were killed, before they even managed to reach the border." Isaac says.

"Well, we don't have any other choice, if we won't go now then we will die, so I prefer to die while trying to survive, instead of just sitting here, and waiting for someone to come and kill me." Edward says, and everyone agrees.

So, Isaac goes inside of the safe rooms, and he comes out with a lot of guns, which he hands to us.

The we run out of the house, and we try to go towards my parents pack.

It seems like most of the attack is on the other side of the pack lands, but there's still a lot of enemies here.

We shoot all of them, and I'm glad that they're using the guns too, otherwise we would have been very easy to find.

When we can see the pack border, it seems that we managed to pass the attack, but I hear one more shot directed towards us, so I turn around to shoot that person, and my eyes widen when I see that Isaac falls to the ground, with the bullet hole in his head.

I quickly shoot the woman who shot him, so she won't be able to kill anyone else, and then I run toward the rest of my family.

When I reach them, we shift, and they don't seem to realise that Isaac isn't here, so I decide to keep his deaths to myself for now.

It will just distract them, and I won't allow it.

Alex ties both kids to him using his mate's pants, and then he climbs on his wolf's back.

I take one of Oliver's kids, and then we run towards my parent's pack as quickly as we can.

Somewhere halfway we decide that we have to stop for a while, and we make sure that we weren't followed, before we shift back.

"Where's dad?" Stephan asks with a panicked voice.

"He's dead." I tell him.

"What? How do you know?" Calum asks me.

"He was shot by your mother, and I'm sure that he's dead, there's no way he could survive that." I say sympathetically. "I also killed your mother." I admit.

I might not have known his mother, but I saw her on the pictures that were hanging in their house, so it was easy to recognise her.

No one says anything, and we just sit here in silence for another few minutes, before we decide to run again, the quicker we will reach my former pack, then quicker we will be able to get some rest.

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