Chapter 30

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Xander's POV

I make some sandwiches, and I pack them into a bag, along with some juice.

I decided that I will take Calum on a date, and everything is ready, so now I just have to wait for him to come back from school, and we can spend the rest of the day together.

It has been almost a month since we mated, and I'm happy to say that I'm not pregnant.

Or at least I don't think that I'm pregnant, I wasn't sick and I don't have any bump, so I really doubt that Calum managed to make a kid.

I decide to stay in the living room, and I watch some football, before Calum finally comes back.

So, I take the bag with the things that I have prepared earlier, and I take his hand, before I lead him towards the front door.

"Where are we going?" He asks me.

"I wanted us to spend the day together." I tell him, and he smiles, so I lead him into the woods.

We find a good place to sit, it's in the middle of the forest, so we're surrounded by the trees, but there's a big gap between the leaves, right above us, and it makes the light shine on us.

I take the sandwiches and juice out of the bag, and I share it with Calum, before we start to eat it.

"I'm happy that you didn't manage to get me pregnant." I tell him, and he laughs.

"I'm happy about it too." He says, and we stay silent for a while. "Do you like the fact that you will have to carry our child? Or would you prefer if I was a girl or an Omega?" He asks me.

I have to think about the answer for a while, because I'm not really sure how I feel about it.

"I'm definitely not happy that I will have to be pregnant, but I knew that I will most likely be the one that will have to carry the kid.

So, I have accepted it a long time ago, but I would have preferred if you could carry our kids." I tell him honestly.

"I wouldn't want to carry a kid either." Calum tells me, and I'm definitely not surprised about that, because I know that there are very few men that would like to carry a kid.

We finish the rest of the food with a different conversation, and then we go further into the woods.

"Did you know that papa and dad found tata in the middle of the woods when he was two?" I ask my mate, and he looks at me for a few seconds, trying to decide if I'm serious, before he laughs loudly.

"No way." He says, after he calms down.

"Yeah, it was dad's birthday, and he wished to have a kid earlier that day." I say. "At least that's what my parents said. I have no idea how much of it is true." I tell him.

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