Chapter 19

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Calum's POV

I can hear that dad is back already,  but I don't go downstairs to greet him, although I would like to do it.

But Xander is laying next to me, with his head on my chest, and I can't stop to look at his sleeping form.

He looks cute when he sleeps, and I didn't think that there could be anything cuter than Brett's son.

Brett is my friend, so I used to babysit his baby son sometimes, and he's very cute.

A few minutes later, there's a knock on my door, so I sniff the air, and I realise that it's dad.

"Come in." I tell him, so he opens the door, and he looks at my mate, before I smirks.

"I was wondering why you didn't come downstairs." He tells me. "But now I know why." He says.

"I have no idea how he didn't wake up when you knocked." I say with a chuckle that wakes Xander up.

He looks up at me with a frown, most likely wondering why I was laughing.

I gesture for him to looks at the doorway, and he does so, before he greets my father, then he drops his head on my chest again.

"We're having a family night, so come downstairs in a few minutes." Dad tells us, so I agree, and the he closes the door behind him.

"A family night?" Xander asks, so I nod.

"We will most likely talk for a bit, then we will watch a movie." I tell him.

"My family is having family nights at least once a month, and my parents invite all of my brothers along with their whole families." He tells me.

"Sounds crazy." I tell him.

"It is, we don't even fit in to the living room, so we have to go to the back yard." He says which makes me laugh.

I really can't imagine having a family as big as his, it must be difficult for his parents to find time for all of their family manners.

"How many kids do you want to have?" I ask him curiously, hoping they he won't say a very big number.

"Two, preferably a boy and a girl, but it's pretty much impossible, so we will have to settle with two boys." He says, and I frown.

"Why is it impossible for us to have a girl?" I ask him.

"Because we're both male, so there's not much chance for us to make a girl, especially because I'm a son of male mates." He responds, and I nod to let him know that I get it.

We lay on my bed for a long while, before we decide that we should go downstairs.

When we reach the living room, everyone is already there, and even Oliver's family joined us, which is weird, because I didn't hear when they go here.

We greet everyone, and they stand up to give us a quick hug.

Then I sit next to Stephan and Xander sits on the other side of me, before we join the conversation.

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