Chapter 20

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Xander's POV

Today I will be going back to my pack to take some of my things.

I'm a bit stressed about my parent's reaction, because I didn't tell them anything about moving out of their house.

It's not like I didn't want them to know, but I don't want to tell them through the phone call.

They also don't have any idea about the fact they I have found my mate, but I'm sure that they will be happy about it.

I know that they wouldn't mind if I would be moving in with someone who lives in our pack, but Calum lives hours drive away from my parent's house, so it will be a big change.

I'm also a bit scared that they will think thy I'm taking Oliver's side, and that I'm trying to convince Alex to stay here, while they're trying to convince him to move in with them.

That's most likely what tata will think, he a very nice person, but that's only until he thinks that someone is trying to distance him from his sons, especially from Alex.

And I'm not sure if he will like Calum, because he's the reason why I will be moving out.

But I try to not overreact, because they might lead to a panic attack, and I wouldn't want that.

I'm currently getting ready to leave, but I have to stop, because there's a knock on the door.

So  I open it, and I let Alex into Calum's room.

"Can't you stay here?" He asks me, pleading me to stay.

I frown for a moment, before I realise that he doesn't know that I'm just going back to take my stuff.

"I will be moving in, I'm just going to take my stuff." I tell him, and his eyes widen.

"You're moving into this pack?" He asks me.

"Yes, into this house to be specific. Isaac already agreed." I tell him, and he smiles.

"Then why are you taking Jasper with you?" He asks me.

"Because I want have him with me for a while longer, he's still not as good as he should be." I say. "But he will be fine soon." I assure him.

"Is Calum going with you?" Alex asks me.

"He planning to, but I have no idea why he's not packing his stuff." I tell him, and just as I say it, I hear that he's going up the stairs.

"Can I go with you too?" Alex asks hopefully.

"Sure." I say, I would have asked him if he wanted to come with us, but I assumed that he won't want to.

"Ask Stephan if he wants to go with us." I tell him, and he nods, before he goes out of Calum's room.

"And you have half an hour to get ready, I will be leaving even if you won't be in the car." I inform him.

Then I hear that Jasper is cheering happily, most likely thinking that I will leave without him.

"I will wait only for you, Jasper." I tell him, and he groans.

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