Chapter 45

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Xander's POV

When I wake up, I try to cuddle to Calum, but I can't find him, so I open my eyes with a frown.

Then I realise that he's at the pack training, so I sigh in frustration, at least he will be back soon, so it's not that bad.

I move so I can lay on my back, and I stay like this for a while, trying to fall asleep again.

But I open my eyes quickly when I start to feel pain.

I already know what that means, but I really don't want for it to be true, so when the pain disappears, I decide to ignore it.

It works for a few minutes, but then my stomach starts to hurt again, and this time a bit more than the last time.

I try to calm myself, because I know that I won't give birth for another few hours.

So, I lay on the bed for a few hours, until the front door opens, and not much later my mate comes here to check on me.

He instantly sees that I'm a bit scared, so I give him a pained smile, before his eyes widen.

"You're giving birth?" He asks me, and I nod.

"I think so." I tell him, and he nods, before he sits next to me.

"What now?" He ask me.

"Nothing. We agreed that I will give birth here, so we will have to wait until the kid's ready to come out." I tell him.

He nods in agreement, but I can see that he's a bit scared, which makes me laugh slightly.

"What's funny?" He asks me.

"The fact that I'm about to give birth, and you look way more scared than I do." I tell him, and he chuckles.

He lays down next to me, and he puts his hand on my bump, the baby kicks his hand which makes him smile, but I groan, because I definitely don't like this feeling.

I'm glad that the kid will be out of me soon, but I'm sure that I will want him to go back into my womb when he will start to cry all day.

Calum uses his other hand to rub my head and I manage to take a short nap.

But the pain is too strong to let me sleep for long, so I'm up not much later.

My mate is still here, and he's asleep, so I kiss his head, and then I move his hand that is thrown around my chest.

Then I stand up, and I go to the bathroom.

When I walk out, I see that Calum is awake, and Stephan is sitting next to him.

They look at me when they realise that I'm back, and Stephan looks at me with excitement.

So, I roll my eyes, and I lay down on my previous spot.

I let Calum talk to my brother, while I watch a movie on my phone.

Then Stephan leaves my bedroom, Calum cuddles to me as much as he can, and we watch the rest of the movie together.

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