Chapter 22

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Calum's POV

I look at Xander with an arched eyebrow, not knowing if he wants me to stay, or go with the rest of the guys.

But he extends his hand, so I take it, before he leads me to the living room, where his parents are waiting.

We sit on the couch that is in front of them, and Mason seems to realise that we're holding hands.

"Is Calum your mate?" He asks Xander.

"Yes. That's one of the things that I wanted to tell you." Xander replies.

"You look good together." Carter says, and I chuckle, before I thank them while Xander rolls his eyes.

"Anyway. What else do you want to tell us?" Timmy asks.

"Well, since Calum and I are mates, we will have to live together, or at least close to each other, so one of us will have to move to the other's pack." Xander says, and Mason tenses slightly, not liking where this conversation is going.

"No!" Mason says.

Xander already told me that Mason won't be happy about it, and that he might go a bit crazy, so I'm not surprised by how he's acting.

"It's just for a while, I will move to Calum's pack, for a few years, because Calum still has to go to school, then we will stay here for a few months to see where we prefer to live.

But even if we will decide to stay here, we might have to go back to Calum's pack, because he's the son of an Alpha, and he might have to become the Alpha." Xander explains.

Mason looks like he's about to punch something, and Carter see that, so he grips Mason's arm, and he forces his mate to look at him.

"Mason, go upstairs." Carter tells him gently, but Mason doesn't make a move to stand up.

So, Carter sight in frustration, before he stands up, and he picks Mason up, before he carries him up the stairs.

I look at Timmy, and he smiles at me, which assures me that not all of my mate's fathers will hate me for taking their son away.

"How's Jasper?" Timmy asks Xander.

"He's fine." Xander respond.

Timmy nods in acknowledgement, then we wait in silence for Carter to come back.

He comes here a short while later, and he sits next to Timmy, where Mason sat a few minutes ago.

"Sorry for him, he's not usually this emotional." Carter tells me.

But I don't really believe him, because that's the second time that I'm talking with Mason, and that's the second time that I saw him being carried out of the room.

"How long are you planning to stay here?" Carter asks Xander.

"Not long, we have to be back in a few days." He tells his father.

"Will Alex agree to meet your brothers? I'm sure that they would like to meet everyone that came here with you." Carter says.

"I'm not sure, I will ask him if he wants to meet them, but don't bring everyone here, because if you will overwhelm him than he won't want to come here again." Xander warns him, and Carter nods.

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