Chapter 25

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Calum's POV

Xander was living here for almost a week now, and I have never been happier.

I really hope that he's feeling the same, because I think that he might be my new obsession.

Today we have to go to the training grounds, where we will train with the rest of the pack.

I hate the pack training, but it seems that Xander doesn't mind it, I think that he's even happy about it, which it weird, but I don't tell him anything like that.

When we're ready, I go to my brother's rooms, to see if they're already gone.

I find Stephan who's still sleeping, which is weird for him, because he's usually up before dad, which is very early.

And I don't think that I ever saw him sleep this long, so it's worrying me.

I walk inside of this rooms, and I shake him awake, which makes him groan, but he opens his eyes to look at me.

"Why do you want from me?" He asks.

"Why are you still asleep?" I ask him, and he looks at the clock that is hanging near his bed, before he swears, and he sits up.

"How did I manage to sleep this long?" He ask, but I don't answer, because I'm pretty sure that he's talking to himself, and not to me.

"I have to go to that training, but I'm sure that dad won't mind if you will skip the training, because you never skip it, so you should just stay here for now." I tell him, and he nods, so I look at him for a while longer, to make sure that he's really fine, before I go out of his room.

I meet Xander down the stairs, and I walk with him towards the front door, but before I step out of the house, I tell Xander to wait for a few seconds, and I tell dad to make sure that Stephan will be fine.

Then I lead Xander towards the training grounds.

To be honest I considered if I should try to impress him, but I really doubt that I could train for more than half an hour without a break, so there's no point.

And I don't want to end up in the hospital either.

When we reach the training grounds, the instructors had already begun the training, which means that we're late, but I'm the son of the Alpha, maybe even the next Alpha, so no one even tried to bother me about it.

So, I lead Xander to the side of the clearing, and we look at one of the instructors, who's showing everyone what he wants us to do.

We train for a few hours, and I have to admit that almost half of this time I spent sitting on the side of the clearing, even though I wasn't tired.

But I got to watch Xander as he trained, so that's why I didn't care what he will think about me later on.

When the training ends, I take Xander back to the house, and we decide to get some rest.

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