Chapter 17

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Xander's POV

Alex and I agreed that we will spend the day together, so I wait for him downstairs.

We both spent the day with our mates yesterday, but today it's finally for us.

I'm impatient, and also a bit nervous, because I can't wait to finally get to know my brother, but I'm a bit worried that we won't like each other.

When Alex comes downstairs, I stand up from the couch and we greet each other, before I follow him out of the front door.

"Where are we going?" I ask him, and he turns his head to look at me.

"I wanted to take you to the pack house, but it's weekend, so everyone will be there.

So, I decided that we should go to one of the smaller clearings, because we will most likely talk for the whole day, and no one will interrupt us there." He tells me, so I nod in agreement.

I follow him towards the clearing that he mentioned, and I look at him, truing to read his body language.

He looks uncomfortable, but he also looks impatient, so I think that he's impatient to know me, so he will be able to stop being uncomfortable around me.

When we reach the clearing, there are only a few people here, and it's definitely not small, so I would like to see their training grounds.

"The clearings that are considered small in my pack are at least twice smaller than this one." I tell him, and he chuckles.

"This is one of the smallest ones, but the other clearings aren't much bigger." He says.

"Do you like to live here?" I ask him, I want to know if he really wants to stay here, or if he just doesn't like my parents.

And I also want to know his opinion on this pack, because I will most likely stay here for a long time.

"Yeah." He says. "It could have better laws, but at least everyone is equal, and all of the laws are bearable, so it's not that bad." He responds.

"That's good." I say.

"Did you know that you have a twin brother?" Alex asks me.

"Yes, my parents didn't hide that from me, although all of us thought that you and Oliver were dead.

Then papa found the pictures of you and Oliver's family, which fell out of Reggie's pocket, and Reggie told us that you're alive." I say.

"Who's Reggie?" He aks me.

"Our youngest half brother, he's a few years older than us." I say.

"What's the names of the rest of them?" Alex asks.

"From eldest to youngest, there's Denver, Oliver, Tyler, Elliott, Scott, Wyatt, Reggie, Hugh, Leon, Noel and Joshua, then you and me, and lastly Quinton." I tell him, and his eyes widen.

"I forgot that there are so many of them." He says.

"You want to know their kids' names?" I ask him, and he nods reluctantly, so I start to say all the names, and I'm sure that he won't remember half of what I said, but he still listens to everything.

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