Trapped in Time Part 5

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A/N: I like to change the back story ;)

Eda was looking at papers in horror. She couldn't believe her own eyes, but it was all there. Serkan was asking her what happened as if he cared. She looked at him to see the man whose family was responsible for her family's death.

"You Bolats have a tradition of destroying my life!" She screamed at him, and he took a step back as if she had slapped him.


Eda grabbed the company documents and threw them into Serkan's face. 

"First your father and his stupid Holding took my parents away, and now you and your little company had to ruin the rest of my life?!" She started hitting him in the chest and crying hysterically. Serkan grabbed her by her arms. 

"Eda! I had nothing to do with it! I was a child! I was ten!"

"And now what?! You married me to sweep this under the rug and cover your father's crimes?!"

"What? Do you really think I would do that? Do you think I would let him go unpunished?! Holding didn't destroy only your life!" 

Eda heard the desperation in his voice, but her pain was crushing her down and wasn't allowing her to think straight even if deep down she knew that he wasn't resposable for her parents' death, she wasn't in the position right now to be able to acknowledge this. She only felt hatred. Even if the accident wasn't his doing, his family only benefited from covering it up, and he still was at fault for her lost dreams. She wanted to hurt him as much as he hurt her. She wanted to destroy his as he destroyed her. She wanted to be even. She wanted to have her victory over him.

"What can you possibly know about destroyed life!" She screamed again, trying to break from his embrace. "You've got everything for free, and it was based on peoples' tragedies!"

The shadow ran through Serkan's face as he let her go. "I've got nothing for free."

Eda looked at him with disgust, sitting on the floor and trying to calm her nerves. She took a couple of deep breaths and turned her head to Serkan. "I'm not Eda Yildirim."

Serkan sat next to her. "Still not telling me your name?"

"No." She spat.

"Why?" He asked too calmly for Eda's liking. 

Why could he keep his cool blood when she just had an emotional outburst? She wanted him to have one too. To finally let out what he was keeping in, so she could learn his weak points.

"I was no one for you when you were taking away my scholarship, and I was kicked out of the university just before my graduation. So why now would I be anything to you?" Eda said as coldly as she could. 

"I never did that." Serkan defended himself in a calm manner. "I accepted the scholarship before my departure to London. I had nothing to do with whatever happened later."

"This is how you lead your business? You have no idea what is happening in your own firm?" Eda used the argument that she knew would hurt him as she already did that a couple of days earlier when they fought, and the house closed her in the home office. Now she was outside, so she was safe, and Serkan's reaction was exactly as she expected as he started to get angry, and the hurt was apparent in his eyes.

"Who do you think I am? Would I be giving scholarships just to take them away? If I would know I would overturn that decision, but someone did it behind my back, and I didn't even have time to find out! Do you know what I was doing when you were keying my car?!"

"Humor me!"

"I was calling my assistant to check on the scholarships and I was going to call the meeting with my finance director to know the truth. If any scholarship would be canceled I would give it back!"

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