Is this me or you, Dr. Bolat? (AU) Chapter 1

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Eda was looking at the door, where Serkan just disappeared, still in deep shock.

"Don't tell me the hot guy from your date was dr. Bolat." Ceren asked with an open mouth.

"Well, he's hot even with glasses." Fifi remarked and chuckled.

"You slept with dr. Serkan Bolat?!" Melo exclaimed, putting her hands on her lips when she realized that she said it so loud that she drew attention from passing by students. Eda still didn't move.

"I think you have to call off the wedding."

"So he can get laid after all."

"Girls, it's not funny!" Eda turned to her giggling friends.

"Well, Eda, it's tragically comical. Tragic for you but a little comical for us."

"This is terrible." Eda exclaimed with tears.

"You are free from your nightmare." Melo tried to look for a positive in this situation. "Maybe you should be happy it ended that way, as you couldn't stand him."

"No, it's terrible because I really liked him, and now he hates me."

"Eda, come, we have a class in five minutes." Fifi tugged her arm. 

"With your ex." She added, chuckling, and pulled Eda to the auditorium, which was full of students. 

Eda looked surprised at the people gathered inside and spotted students from different degrees, even marketing ones, mostly girls, but also a lot of guys from physic and math.

"He did his doctoral thesis very quickly and is the youngest doctor that ever finished our department." She heard excited whispers from the guys.

"Maybe he will fulfill my dream about the hot young doctor. I have to check when he has his consultations. He could help me with a law of pulling problem."

"Does he even dates? I heard he spent all his time working. It's such a shame. But I can help him relax." The voices came from PR and business majors.

The door to the aula closed, and Eda saw Serkan entering the podium, holding a pile of books and papers in his hands. He was so handsome in his white dress shirt and black suit pants that she had to bite her lower lip, trying not to think how he looked without his shirt, and it was a glorious sight. He greeted the students, introduced himself, and started to explain the syllabus and the basic information about the final exam.

"Eda, he didn't tell you he works at the university?" Ceren whispered when Serkan started handing out essays.

"I was just after the conference, and I didn't want to talk about studies and work, so when he told me about his previous job, I asked him to talk about something fun. I didn't tell him what I study either. He just told me he's not a professional hitman and doesn't rob graves but has an honest job."

"So he even can tell a joke, not much of an uptight asshole." Fifi remarked from the chair behind Eda.

"Miss Yildiz, do you have a problem with the subject of this class?" The sharp voice of dr. Bolat cut their conversation short.

"No, Dr. Bolat." Eda answered, pursing her lips, seeing how he squinted his eyes at her.

"Apparently, you do as you can not stop talking. If this class is too hard for you, you can choose the physics for beginners."

Eda's blood boiled up with anger at his mocking tone. She tilted her head, mirroring his grimace, but then smiled politely and said in a fake apologetic tone. "I will try to keep up with this difficult topic."

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