One Day (AU) Chapter 6

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Eda looked at the door that closed after Serkan. She got up from the floor, and threw herself on the bed, bursting out with tears. 

She didn't know what to feel and think anymore. She felt an immense relief that Serkan was alive, but his attitude toward her was making her want to kick and scream at him to remember her and love her again, even if none of this was his fault and he suffered greatly only because of her. It was a miracle we survived his injuries and woke up from a coma. Eda hated her father and cousin even more for stealing Serkan from her and everything they did to him.

Serkan was suspicious and untrusting toward her, but he was right about one thing. Her family wanted to kill him, and if they found out he was alive, they would come to finish their job. 

Serkan did everything to ensure she was safe, and only thanks to him she could be here and defy Bolats without any threat to her life. Now it was her turn to do the same for him.

She wasn't sure if Serkan's family even knew who stood after his shooting, probably not, because if they did, they would start their bloody revenge. But also her family must not know about Serkan being alive, or Eda would know it from her grandmother who was monitoring their moves. Serkan said he was found a month ago, so the news probably hadn't spread yet, but it could soon, and she had to block it.

Eda quickly got up from the bed, wiped her tears, and texted her grandmother to let her know where she was and to help her keep knowledge about Serkan from her father.

She wanted to go to Serkan and talk to him again or just be near to him, but she also knew that if Serkan wanted to see her, he'd find her no matter where she would go. And she knew he would. Maybe he didn't have his memories, but she knew him better than anybody in this world, and he never left his business unfinished, no matter what they were.

Eda sat on the edge of the bed, and her gaze fell on Serkan's jacket, discarded on the floor. She picked it up, wrapped herself in it, and closed her eyes, inhaling Serkan's scent.

* * *

Eda was sitting on a wide rock, watching the sun slowly setting over the waterfall. She heard steps, and when she looked up, she saw Serkan standing over her, looking at her with his hands in his pockets. 

She smiled slightly, seeing him. She knew he would find her. He always had the ability to know where she was.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, and Eda examined his posture. He still was reserved.

"I would want to ask the same question."

"But I asked first." Serkan sat down next to her, looking at the place around them. "Can you tell me?"

Eda tilted her head to briefly look at him and smiled sadly before pointing at the waterfall with her chin. "This is a very special place for us. We were coming to Antalya with our school every year, and we were sneaking out at night. A lot of nice things happened here. Why did you come here?"

Serkan sighed, took a rock and threw it into the lake. "My family organized my engagement party in Antalya. They didn't want anybody in Istanbul to learn I'm alive until they would know who stood behind my murder attempt."

"This is not what I asked." Eda said, looking intently at him.

"I know. But I don't know the answer."

"But you know I'm telling the truth."

"Yes." Serkan confirmed, playing with a small rock. "You have proof that can not be debunked. And what you said is logical."

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