Lost Hearts (AU) Chapter 8

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"What do you think she's going to tell your mom?" Eda asked, still looking after Selin.

Serkan chuckled slightly. "I can see you're dying to know. Do you want to spy on her?"

"What? No." Eda shook her head, blushing a bit.

"Really?" Serkan asked in a teasing tone.

"OK, fine! I'm dying to know." She rolled her eyes, throwing her hands up in a gesture of surrender. "Can we go eavesdrop on her?"

Serkan looked at the phone. "Mom is probably still sleeping or getting ready for the day, so we have about half an hour to take a shower and get dressed. Then we can go and sneak something for breakfast and go back to bed."

"This is cheating." Eda nudged Serkan in his ribs with her elbow. "You're trying to get out of making the breakfast."

"If you can go eavesdrop, I can sneak out some food." Serkan retorted, kissing Eda on the cheek and patting her ass before going to take a shower.

* * *

Eda walked with Serkan to the terrace where she saw Kemal sitting outside in the sun with the book, chuckling to himself, and Esra standing at the door and clearly eavesdropping on someone in the living room.

"What has happened?" Eda asked curiously, seeing their amused faces. She was sure Selin was already inside.

Serkan's father patted the seat next to him on the outdoor couch. "Just sit down and listen. Aydan had finally enough and is done with this deluded woman. But you missed the best part when Selin almost got a stroke. I seriously thought she wouldn't make it."

"Let me guess." Serkan sat in front of Eda and his father. "She camped under the door to catch Mom and tell on me and Eda?"

"Yes, and this place was created for eavesdropping so we are having fun. Right, Esra?"

"Sus, Kemal bey." Esra hushed him and stuck her head inside the house to hear better.

"After Aydan settled the things straight with Selin. She ordered her to plan the press notice about your wedding. I hope, Eda," Kemal looked at her. "My son proposed already, or I will have to kick his ass."

"He did." Eda waved her hand with a smile.

"Congratulations and welcome to the family, kizim, but now listen."

They all focused on the sounds coming from the house and heard Aydan's voice.

"I want you to prepare the guest list for the engagement party. This is a once-in-a-lifetime occasion. Serkan is getting married only once, so I have to invite all the important people. The wedding will be private so we have to prepare everything right for the engagement."

"Don't worry. She won't be preparing your party." Kemal looked at Eda reassuringly. "I already texted the security not to let her pass the gate ever again. And I suggest you to find a new PR for your firm." He glanced at his son.

"I'm already thinking how to get rid of her." Serkan confirmed.

"Eda of course will choose the main theme." Aydan continued in the living room.

"And Serkan has nothing to say?" Selin spoke up grimly.

"She's the bride, her opinion is the most important, then mine, and Serkan's a the end. But I see it as the celebration of soulmates. The eternal love motive will be nice, like Kiraz's name. We can have cherry cake. Kiraz would love that, and it's Serkan's favorite fruit so he is taken into consideration too. I didn't hear him complaining."

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