Play Me (AU) Epilogue

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Late in the morning, Eda entered the agency and went straight to her boss's office, holding a piece of paper. Ceren was on the phone, taking in a raised voice and gesticulating animately.

"Eda, good that you are finally here." The woman hung up the moment she saw Eda entering the office. "We have a mess here. Everybody is calling about Serkan Bolat's supposed secret marriage, and we know nothing about it! How could he pull a stun like that on us?! And we are his PR agency! Now, I understood you when you told me how big a pain in the ass he is."

"Don't you exaggerate a bit?" Eda smirked at the blonde. "I know about his marriage. I put a notice about it to the press just five minutes ago."

"What?" Ceren looked at her with her mouth open. "And you didn't tell me anything? Who did he marry? Some actress? Model? Did he sign the prenup? Did she sign a non-disclosure agreement? Did you even see her?"

"Of course, I saw her." Eda chuckled.

In the mirror.

"And Serkan got married just yesterday in a quiet ceremony in the civil office. He got married to his childhood sweetheart, who was his best friend, a normal girl. The newlyweds ask for privacy as they won't be exploiting their relationship for any PR purposes and want it to remain private." Eda finished with a big smile on her face.

"You are talking as if you were there." Ceren said under her breath, looking suspiciously at her employee's happy grin.

"Because I was there."

"Really?" The blonde cocked her brows. "Did he invite you?"

"Only I knew about the wedding." Eda almost burst out with laughter at Ceren's stunned face.

"And by the way, I'm taking my leave. I'll be on vacation for three months." She gave Ceren the paper with the signed leave application.

"You can't leave me for three months!" The blonde exclaimed. "I know you never took a break, but you are working for our high-profile clients. I can't give them to anybody else than you."

"Right now, I'm working only as a PR manager for Serkan Bolat, and don't worry, he is taking a break for three months, too." Eda grinned, getting up from the chair. "So you will be just fine without me."

Ceren frowned, looking at a signed piece of paper. "Wait the minute, why did you sign it as Eda Bolat?"

"Because yesterday I got married to my childhood sweetheart, and we are leaving for our honeymoon today. But don't worry, our marriage won't affect our professional relationship, and I will still be my husband's PR manager until I decide against it or go on maternity leave, but that rather not sooner than in a year."

"You've got married to Serkan Bolat." Ceren was keeping her open chin on her desk.

"Yes." Eda stopped with her hand on the doorknob before pulling it and leaving her boss in a state of deep shock.

Eda left the agency building and smiled brightly at Serkan's sight, who was waiting for her, leaning on the hood of his car with his arms crossed on his chest. Her heart skipped a beat, and the fire burned in her lower stomach when he smiled at her. The ache between her legs reminded her how incredible their wedding night was, and she couldn't wait to get more of her handsome husband. She loved the fact that could call him her husband now.

Before Serkan could move to open the door to his sports car for her, she quickly crossed the remaining distance between them, grabbed his face, pulled it forward, and kissed him with all she had, not caring that people around them started to take pictures of them.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31 ⏰

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