Is this me or you, Dr. Bolat? (AU) Prologue

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Eda stopped by the group of her friends, who gathered at the university hall, waiting for their first class of this semester. Ceren looked at her and smiled mischievously.

"Eda, how was your date? I saw you disappeared with some hot guy for twenty-four hours."

Melo let out an excited squeak and jumped forward to join the conversation. "Did you see him?"

"No, I only saw his back." The blonde shrugged. "But judging by Eda's face, he must be hot. She was eating from his hand."

"Yes, Serkan is very hot." Eda blushed, and her friends giggled. "Kyzlar, I think I met the man of my dreams."

"Eda, did you just fall in love on the first date?" Fifi asked, putting her hands on her hips and shaking her head with disapproval. Eda ignored her friend's reaction and smiled dreamily.

"I might. He is so amazing, so smart and witty, and also cute and funny, and very handsome." She listed in one breath, making Fifi roll her eyes. "He studied physics too and worked at CERN, but he's from here. He just came back a week ago and.."

"Did you sleep with him?" Ceren cut her in the middle of the word. Eda felt silent but only blushed more.

"I can't believe it. You did it! You never do something like that. How was he?"

"It's rather obvious she liked it. In another case, she wouldn't be planning their wedding already." The black-haired girl snorted.

"Fifi!" Eda looked at her indignant.

"Does he know he has to look for a ring?"

"He said he never felt anything like this before." Eda came back to her daydreaming, looking absently at the wall. "And he was so romantic."

"What is his name?" Ceren continued her interrogation.


"Surname, Eda."

"Don't tell me, you're planning your future with a man you don't even know his last name?!" Fifi exclaimed to Melo's small giggles. "Did you lose your mind?!"

"I don't know his name because it was a funny story." Eda shrugged. "I had my name tag from the conference and he was trying to read it, but he is blind without his glasses. I told him only my name and said I would tell him my last name on our second date if he'd bring his glasses. So he told me he would tell me his on our third date."

"Does he even know how you look if he can't see?" Melo asked, raising her brows.

"He has farsight. He just can't read. He can see faces just fine."

"How old he is if he's blind." Fifi snorted.

"He's only four years older than me." Eda put her hand on her hips, getting defensive. "He had bad sight from early childhood. And I have a date with him on Saturday. I only hope this new uptight doctor won't ruin my weekend with his stupid ideas."

"Who are you talking about?"

"Who else can Eda be talking about? Of course, about dr. Bolat. Her arch nemesis even before she attended an hour of his class."

"Because he is a walking nightmare! Who requests an essay before even the semester starts?!"

"I heard he's handsome." Melo smiled.

"Who cares?!" Eda exclaimed, raising her brows. She shifted and stood with her back to one of the offices' doors.

"I do." Fifi shrugged. "If I have to watch his face for next semester, I prefer to look at a pretty one."

"Yes, he's very hot." Ceren confirmed with a knowing smirk. "I saw him two days ago."

The door behind them opened, and the blonde looked up, while Eda answered with anger.

"So what? He's an uptight asshole with a stick in his ass!"


"No, this is true. This asshole Bolat is some sad life who only crawls out of his basement to torment students! I'm sure he never achieved anything in his life and academic career so he ended up here to teach students and is taking out on people more talented than him!"

"Eda!" The blonde tried to shush her.

"What? I'm talking now. I had a problem with my internet connection, and I sent my assignment five minutes after the deadline. He rejected it and made me write it again on a different topic! Can you imagine, what a jerk?! He wrote me rules are rules. I'm sure he couldn't get laid, and he's putting all of his frustration into coming up with the most stupid homework ideas. I can bet he will give us so much work that he will ruin my Saturday!"

"Eda..." Ceren hissed at her.

"He's a very, very sad man, and I'm really sorry for any woman who ever would even be in his proximity. Imagine life with that kind of obsessed control freak. Who would want to have his stick from his ass?!"



"Dr. Bolat."

"Yes, I'm talking about him. I just filed a complaint against him to the dean. I hope he will get fired!"

"He's standing right behind you." Ceren grabbed Eda's arms and turned her around.

Eda paled at the sight of the man in front of her, and her mouth fell open. She saw a very unimpressed but very handsome face of dr. Bolat. When he looked at her, his eyes widened for a second and then flashed with anger. She was looking at him speechless and couldn't move from her spot. He pursed his lips in a bitter smile, put on glasses, and started going through the printed essays he had in his hands.

"Miss Eda, right?" He asked, not looking at her, and Eda still couldn't utter the word. "Eda Yildiz I presume. As a no-life, I memorized the names of all my students. Maybe if I could get laid I wouldn't. But if would you spent less time in a bar and more at the bibliothec, you wouldn't be the only late student with your assignment."

"I don't know if the complaint is valid for an extra curriculum subject with clearly listed entry rules in the syllabus." He furiously was turning the pages, almost tearing them.

"And unfortunately, your Saturday will be ruined!" He pushed the paper into Eda's hands and spun on his heel, marching to the first office from them and slamming the door behind him.

"Wow, Eda, you failed his class already. This is the university record." Fifi whistled, looking at the closed door.

Ceren took the essay from frozen Eda. "And he gave you the highest score."

"Eda? Eda!" Melo waved her hand in front of Eda's eyes. 

"Are you alive?" She shook her.

"That was Serkan." Eda uttered after a moment.

"Yes, dr. Serkan Bolat."

"No, my Serkan."

"Ne?!" The girls asked simlutanesly.

A/N: Last night, I finished the prologue to this story too, so why wait any longer ;)

It will be a short, fun story without any traumatizing events. I know, a shocker regarding me ;D

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