Chapter 1 New World.

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Y/N- (Your Name) you'll be taking the place of Marco.
Y/E/C (Your eye color)
Y/H (Your height)
Y/S/T (Your skin tone)

You opened your eyes and felt like you failed to make it to the dimension hole. You laid their sniffling and crying quietly.

Y/N:'m so sorry......

But than a bird flew by, and it was odd and you look all over to see a world that was so new. It was like earth, but mixed in with mewni. And than a unicorn walks any along with a driving car. Monsters and creatures of all kinds were everywhere. People all over confused on what was going on. The sky being a different gleaming color. You look over and see star standing in front of you. You and Star were breathing heavy and you slowly smile. You clean the tears from your eyes and she walks toward you.

Y/N: hey.

Star: hi.

You and Star share a hug.

Y/N: I thought I lost you......

Star: so did I.

Y/N: what happened to earth?

You and Star look around to see that earth and mewni have been fused together.

Star: what happened?

Y/N: I think the cause of the dimension holes to fuse for some reason. We'll have to figure that out.

Star: and what about-

???: Y/N? Where are you, son?

Y/N: dad?

You turn around to see your dad wearing a royal outfit. Along with your mom before your sister was born. Seems like the time has restarted.

King L/N (last name): why son, why haven't you dressed up? We're gonna be late for the lunch in with Queen moon and king river.

Y/N: lunch in? Since when did we? Don't you remember what happened?

Queen L/N: son, you really shouldn't sneak out to the knight tabour with your friends. Classes with start very soon.

Y/N: what? Star.....

Star shrugs.

King L/N: ah my son, you and start should meet us by the butterfly palace.

Your parents walk past and make their way to the palace.

Y/N: what just happened?

Star: that's so odd....your mom and dad look great in royal clothes. Do you have clothes like that at your home now?

Y/N: trust me, Star, I'm confused. How about we go to that lunch in and check out what's going on.

Star: we gotta go there anyways. Follow me.

You and Star make your way to the butterfly palace. You look around the world. Wondering how the world fused together.

Y/N: what happened to our worlds? Everything looks so different. It's like mewni, but with earth fused I'm with it.

Star: all that matters is that you're here with me. I'm so glad you came to see me again. I'm forever grateful.

Star kisses your cheek.

Y/N: I was worried I wasn't gonna make it.

Star: well you did, but now that the magics gone.....what do you think mewni is like now?

Y/N: seems like my parents lost their memories on earth and my sister wasn't born yet. Something's not right....

Star: I'm curious as you are. Why don't we go to lunch with our parents and find out what happened.

Star Vs The Divided Dimensions (Star Butterfly X Male reader) Where stories live. Discover now