Chapter 4 New Power?

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The next morning.

You wake up and your mom was just coming in to check on you.

Queen L/N: Y/N? Are you okay?

Y/N: I'm okay, mom. So, I beast get to school now?

Your mom smiles softly.

Queen L/N: I just got a letter from the news bird. There isn't school today; a giant fell on the boys side gym. So until the worker moles fix the gym; which should take a whole day. You have a 3 day weekend. Enjoy yourself, son.

King L/N: what outfit would you like to wear?

You check your closet and saw your red hoodie and black jeans.

Y/N: so glad we have casual clothes and not just fancy clothes.

Queen L/N: Star should be at her castle right now. You can go play at the park today, Y/N, but remember to come home before dark.

Y/N: no worries, mom. 

You tie your shoe laces and than rush out the door.

Queen L/N: oh that boy can be such a handful can he?

King L/N: he's got your strong will and my heart. Nonetheless, he came from us. 

Now at stars bedroom.

Star was snoring in her bed and it turns out she slept in. Her hair was a bit of a mess.

Queen Eclipse: good morning, Star. Time to wake up and have some breakfast.

Star: hmmm? What?

Queen Eclipse: Chimpy will give you an outfit for today. You're lucky that school was cancelled due to a giant falling on the boys part of the gym.

Star: no way....

Queen Eclipse: yes way.

Star: can I go to the park today, mom?

Queen Eclipse: as you wish, Star. Just make sure you have someone with you.

Star: Y/N will come with me I'm sure.

Queen Eclipse smiles as chimpy climbs down from the ceiling and lands on stars bed.

Chimpy: here you are, Star. A nice fresh outfit from the laundry just for you.

Star: thanks, Chimpy. Don't tell mom, but I wanna skip breakfast and go straight to the park. Y/N is probably waiting for me there while he talks to those foreign people.

Chimpy: okay, but as least take this blue banana with you as a snack in case you get hungry.

Chimpy hands star and blue banana. Star of course takes it and puts it in her purse.

Chimpy: best banana by the way. Stays fresh for a week.

Star smiles and than starts to put on her clothes, but chimpy forgot to turn around.

Star: do you mind? I'm changing.

Chimpy: oh, forgive me, princess butterfly.

Chimpy turns around so that star may change.

Star: how do I look?

Chimpy turns around a claps his hands.

Chimpy: princess butterfly, whom you trying to impress?

Chimpy: princess butterfly, whom you trying to impress?

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