Chapter 27 Awake and Need Of Fix

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Dream world

Y/N: uh, Star, why are we here?

Star: you see, Piggoats are very dumb. They won't be able to run away from danger at all, so it's our job to get them out.

Y/N: Star, shouldn't we help everyone with the evacuation?

Star than climbs on the fence.

Star: yeah, but I'm just under pressure about it. I'm bad, I'm a a bad person. My friends are injuries and I'm basically hiding.

you decided to do something else. You kick down the door and the piggoats looked at you, but they didn't run.

Star: what was that for?

Y/N: you're not the only one that can kick down doors. Come on, show me how to get these piggoats to safety.

You and Star walk into the barn full of piggoats.

Star: so, you know that feeling when you have to get a little extra push?

Y/N: oh okay.

You smack a piggoat out and it rushes out of its stable.

Y/N: are you sure we should it that? I don't like the way this one is looking at me.

You and Star share a laugh.

Star: you know; I'm glad we're alone, together, because there is something I wanna talk to you about.

Star than hops ontop of a pig goat.

Star: I remember what you said to me in the magic.

You poke a piggoats butt.

Y/N: well, whatever it is I hope it isn't something very weird and awkward.

You were gonna sit down, but the piggoat moves out of the way; causing you to fall on your butt. Star giggles.

Y/N: oh no, I said something weird didn't I?

Star: well, uh....

You stand up.

Y/N: that was like a dream. It was like fragments of my subconscious mind. Haha, you know?

Stars eyes shine a bit.

Star: Y/N, you told me you loved me.

You were shocked to hear that.

Y/N: ah....well....okay.

You were breath and telling yourself you can do this and piggoat carry's you on his back and you hide your face in your hands.

Star: maybe it was a fragment of your subconscious mind.

Y/N: no, no it wasn't. That's the whole me....that's the whole Y/N. You know that whole blood moon curse thing? It's baloney, I felt this way since the beginning. But I know you don't just fall it love with someone at 1st site, but I couldn't help but think that it was just getting in the way.

Star: in the way? Y/N, why does it have to be bad?

Y/N: it is bad if you don't want it.

Star grabs you.

Star: okay, can we kiss?

Y/N: um....please.

Star than pulls you in for a sweet loving kiss on your lips. And you two break away as your eyes shine.

Star Vs The Divided Dimensions (Star Butterfly X Male reader) Where stories live. Discover now