Chapter 25 The Night Part 1

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(Credit goes to artist not me 👆🏻)

On Saturday night.

You were taking a shower with warm water as you scrub yourself with a bar of doctor squash man soap. You then check your hair and face. Using some deodorant and making yourself smell good. Your dad than knocks on the door.

King L/N: son? Are you okay?

Y/N: I'm fine, dad. I'm just getting ready.

King L/N: I came up to ask are you picking up Star or is she coming to pick you up?

Y/N: actually, Tom and Janna are coming with us. We're gonna be in toms little carriage. 

King L/N: that's nice of him.

Your dad makes his way downstairs and you get dressed in the tuxedo that your mom gave you. It looked amazing. You take a deep breath.

Y/N: okay, Y/N. Don't mess this up like you did last time. This is your second change to make things right with star.

You than look in a mirror to fix your tie, but than realized you needed to get Star something. You weren't worried, since you got it a day before.

Y/N: now where is that earthmewni lake pearl necklace I got for her?

You than look at your bed side and found it. You grab it and than pocket it. You take once last deep breath before making your way downstairs.

Queen L/N: awww look at my boy, he's so handsome!

King L/N: takes after you, dear.

Your parents kiss and you smile as you made your way downstairs. And waiting for you was Tom in his tuxedo.

Y/N: hey Tom, is Janna with you?

Tom: not yet; I came to get you 1st so that we can impress them when we show up-

Tom was cut off by some phone dings and Tom picks it up to text and he blushed a bit.

Y/N: what is it?

You were gonna check, but Tom closes his phone.

Tom: uh, N-nothing.

Y/N: you sure.

Tom: yes it was nothing. Can we go now?

Queen L/N: make sure you 2 get your dates home in time and stay safe now.

Y/N: aren't you guys coming?

King L/N: we're going alright, but the homeing experience should be yours.

You smile and hug your parents.

Y/N: I'll see you too later than. I love you both.

King L/N: and make sure to take lots of pictures for us.

You and Tom head outside to his carriage. Your parents wave you goodbye.

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