Chapter 28 Dark Magic.

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During the higher up meeting.

Mr highelf: what in the H.E, double hockey sticks is going on?! I thought bringing back the magic would bring more good, but it's brought nothing, but death and destruction. All those in favor to ban magic once again?

No one raised their hands.

Mr highelf: very well! Give me one good reason that we should even consider keeping the magic after what happened.

King L/N: magic is our only line of defense. The magic that destroyed the town three weeks ago, was nothing more then dark magic.

King Ponyhead: he's eighth. If we ban magic; there will be those that can use the dark magic illegally. And possibly against us and our children.

Everyone mutters and Mr highelf wasn't too please on it. Of course your dad and flying princess Ponyheads dad were agreeing on something for once. Maybe they can fix their relationship somehow.

Mr highelf: very well, but for this week; magic is on temporary leave for the time being. Meeting dismissed.

Now back at school.

You were grabbing some papers from your locker. You missed 3 weeks so you had a lot of catching up to do with everyone.

Ferguson: hey! Y/N.

Alfonzo: Y/N!

Your two friends rush towards you and they gave you a very powerful and brace. That seems to be crushing your chest a little bit. I only felt that way because you were very sore.

Y/N: ow! Ow! Still a little sore.

Ferguson: we were so worried about you!

Alfonzo: are you okay?

Y/N: I'm fine you two. Don't worry about me. Did everyone make it out okay?

Alfonzo: yea, we all made it out. We were looking everywhere for you, but Star told us you were in town fending that thing off.

Ferguson: you won the battle, Right?

Y/N: of course I won the battle. With a little help from Tom, but this isn't the end of it.

Alfonzo: did you hear?

Y/N: no, what?

Ferguson: magic is some temporary leave this week. Our last class of the day that teaches magic won't be continuing till the magic higher ups figure out what it is that caused all this.

Y/N: I know what it is. It's that creature, sonic exe. He was using the power of some crystal to-

Alfonzo: calm down, Y/N. They're gonna get to the bottom of that too. The quills that's wee found on you were taken back to the lab. They're gonna try and find this creature.

Ferguson: all we need to know is what kind of magic they were-

You cut off Ferguson.

Y/N: that's it! Where is star?

Ferguson: she says she's at the potion lab right now. Trying to figure out how to make a protection potion.

Alfonzo: magic is on temporary leave, but no potion class, man that is not a shocker at all.

Y/N: I gotta go find, Star.

Ferguson: but the school day isn't over nor is it passing period. I don't know if you'll be allowed to be on the girls side of the school.

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