Chapter 56 The Temple Of Memories Part 2

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The next morning. 

You woke up and Star was already packing things up. Star turns to you with a smile.

Star: good morning, Y/N, how are you? Ready to head to the temple?

Y/N: ready as I'll ever be. Star, did you hear any strange noises last night? Like something was scratching the walls of this little house at night?

Star: no, why do you ask? Did you hear anything while we were sleeping?

Y/N: I don't know, but I can't shake the feeling off that we're being watched or something.

Star: we should than get out of here as soon as possible than. The faster we head to the temple the quicker we can go home and bait sonic exe for the final trap.

Y/N: yeah, I like that idea.

You and Star than head for the temple. The sky was blue with clouds that looked fluffy to touch. The birds chirped and everything seemed quiet. Too quiet.

Y/N: I normally like the peace and quiet, but this beyond peace and quiet. I don't know what is going on here or what happened to this town, but I don't think I'm want to find out.

Star: than we should be on our way than. Come on, Y/N, I think I know where to go from here. Here, look on the map.

Star pulls out the map, and you take a look at it. You saw that the temple was a little far, but not so far it'll be night. About 2 and a half miles from the little town.

Y/N: sure your feet can handle it? You know I'm good at massaging, but I won't have time since we have to get that crystal.

Star: you're so sweet, Y/N, but we have to do what's necessary 1st. Doesn't mean I won't call you up on that later.

Star than gives you a wink. You smile and than fold the map; after handing it back to star you both started to hike your way up there. As you were walking through some old path, Star couldn't help the feeling they were being watched by she asked you to clear the air.

Star: so, Y/N, what did you see last night? You said you heard something, but did you see anything or something?

Y/N: it was hard to make out, but I can tell this thing had claws. I don't know how big it was, so I'm sure it's like the size of a bear. Why do you asks?

Star: I don't know, but I can't shake the feeling we're being watched right now. It's kinda weird, but do you think this timeline was touched by sonic exe?

You look around and nothing seems out of the ordinary. You think for a minute, but nothing of sonic exe was seen.

Y/N: I don't think so, because on the news it says that the dimensions that are divided are show to have like some dark creepy clouds and such, and the sky seems normal.

Star: I know, but it's like so quiet here. I don't hear any other animals, besides the birds I mean. It's nice to hear the birds chirp.

Y/N: don't worry about it, Star. We'll get to the temple soon enough. For now, we should focus on the task at hand and that's get that crystal before sonic exe does.

Star: by the way, Y/N, how does it feel to have a crystal shard with you?

You look back and Star and then pulled it out. The shard shines a little. You look at it closely and hear some kind of ancient language, but you shake off the temptation.

Star Vs The Divided Dimensions (Star Butterfly X Male reader) Where stories live. Discover now