Chapter 3 Zoinks!

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After the meetings.

You and Star meet by the flag pole that was next to a fountain.

Y/N: is there any cerfews here like they did back at earth, Star?

Star: I don't think so, but mewni was dangerous after dark regardless. We should get home or some scary monsters may come after us.

Y/N: can't you just use your wand or something?

Star: uh, what wand, dummy?

Y/N: oh, right, magic has disappeared now.

Star: but don't worry, I think you can fight them off.

Y/N: with some good ol karate.

You showed of your moves like you did the 1st time you met. Star giggles a bit.

Star: come on, Jackie Chan, we gotta get going.

Y/N: what? Can you knock me for liking Jackie Chan movies?

Star: I remember when we watched those movies during our movie nights. Eating nachos and watching rush hour.

Y/N: that was my favorite movie to be honest, but it makes it better when I watch it with you.

You hold stars hand and she smiles as the hearts on her cheeks glow red.

Star: everything is better with you.

You kiss her cheek and you both walked to the location where the wormhole was opened.

At the park.

Y/N: so, this is the place where we saw the wormhole open? I think something fell, but it fell so fast.

Star: maybe you can use your phone flashback.

Y/N: maybe I just step into the brush. What kind of thing can pop outta-

???: zoinks!

???: Relp!

Just than as fast as your can speak, 2 figures ran from the brush and tackled you to the ground without knowing it.

Star: Y/N! Are you okay!?

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Star: Y/N! Are you okay!?

Y/N: get these 2 off me!

Star grabs the dog by his collar and the guy by his shirt collar.

Star: what are you 2 doing? You should be-

???: calm down you two. It's just some mutant goose.

Star: oh, you two got scared of the bald headed bull goose?

Y/N: who are you people.

Velma: you'll have to excuse these two. I'm Velma, that's shaggy, and that's Scooby-Doo.

Shaggy: hey, sorry for bumping into to.

Scooby: rello.

Y/N: I don't think I've seen you around before. Where did you come from?

Star Vs The Divided Dimensions (Star Butterfly X Male reader) Where stories live. Discover now