Chapter 9 Night Out.

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Later that night.

You, Star, shaggy, Scooby, and Velma were enjoying your time in the kitchen of the butterfly palace. Laughing and chatting it up while you made some nachos. Talking about the events that happened today minus the smut you did with Star.

Star: I always loved Y/Ns nachos.

Shaggy: haha, like best nachos I ever had. And the pizza seems about done.

Scooby: reah, reah, so rxcited!

Scooby and shaggy hear a ding from the oven.

Shaggy: hahaha, like I never wanna leave here now. The pizzas here are huge.

Star: well you did make a huge one, but you cut it into triangles.

Velma: those two love pizza all the time. Everywhere they go it's pizza they always enjoy.

Star: they don't even know the toppings they put on there.

Velma: they eat anything. They've eaten lots of gross things.

Y/N: do those two ever stop eating? I made 4 batches of my nachos. I think we're running out of cheese.

Velma: I bet their pizza would make them feel good, but I doubt it.

Both shaggy and Scooby sliced two big triangles of pizza. And were about to eat it, until the doorbell rang.

Star: I wonder who that can be.

Shaggy: haha, like don't worry, me and scoob will get the door for you. It's the least we can do.

Velma: there goes those two being the gentleman that they are.

Y/N: so, Star, what did you find out with Glossaryck?

Star: well he and ludo had the elder scrolls can't be read without some special glasses, but they said only a Dragonborn can read it.

Y/N: I'll take a look at it later. For now we should-

You were cut off by shaggy and Scooby screaming.

Shaggy: ZONIKS!!!!

Scooby: AGHHHHH!!

You and Star rush to the door as Scooby and shaggy fall to the floor as the pizza hit their faces

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You and Star rush to the door as Scooby and shaggy fall to the floor as the pizza hit their faces.

Star: oh my gosh!!! It's flying princess pony head!

Ponyhead: hey Star, hey earth turd.

Y/N; I thought we were over that name.

Star: you're so cute, Y/N.

Star Vs The Divided Dimensions (Star Butterfly X Male reader) Where stories live. Discover now