Chapter 16 Date

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The next morning.

You wake up and still hold star in your loving embrace. She yawns and smiles when she looks up at you.

Y/N: good morning, Star.

Star: morning. How did you sleep?

Y/N: better because I'm with you.

You and Star were gonna share another gentle kiss on the lips, but your mom flashes a camera. For a short moment you both were blinded my a flash of light.

Y/N & star: AGH!

Queen L/N: that ones for the memory books.

That left you and Star blushing.

Y/N: mom?! Why didn't you knot?!

Queen L/N: don't be so defensive, son, I think it's cute you're sleeping with your future wife.

Star: thank you, haha.

You nervous chuckled with Star as well.

Y/N: how was the meeting by the way?

Queen L/N: it went great, but both king pony head and king river were being a bit childish there.

Flashback to the meeting.

Both king looked away at each other and pouted, since they had to sit next to each other.

King river: I'm not talking to you

King Ponyhead: good, because I'm not talking to you.

King river: that's fine by me.

King Ponyhead: good!

King river: fine!

Queen eclipse and queen L/N sigh due to the two men trying to prove how tough they were.

Queen Ponyhead: can you both just try and get along? The higher ups could be here any minute.

King L/N: please, my friends. We must get along for the sake of earth mewni.

Flashback ends.

Y/N: that's great, uh are you just gonna stand there with the camera pointed at us?

Queen L/N: don't mind me. Go back to kissing, I'll just be downstairs; cooking breakfast.

Your mom leaves you and Star alone again.

Y/N: since when does mom cook breakfast?

Star: do you have chefs or something?

Y/N: we do now, but dad always made breakfast for mom. They both know how to cook, but mom said that so weirdly.

Star: oh.....

Y/N: what?

Star: she's thinking we're gonna.....

Y/N: ah, no thank you. I wanna be married mind you.

Star smiles and kisses her cheek.

Star: I know, Y/N, it's a tradition on mewni as well before earth combined with it.

Y/N: I know.

Star gets up from the bed.

Star: I'm gonna shower and get changed.

Star Vs The Divided Dimensions (Star Butterfly X Male reader) Where stories live. Discover now