Chapter 14 Love Or Responsibilites?

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The next morning.

You woke up with the stuff still in your head.

King L/N: son? Where are you?

Y/N: right here, dad, uh don't come in. I'm still-

Your dad opens the door and sees the mess you made.

King L/N: oh no, son, did you fall and get hurt? Come here, let me hold you. You won't need to go to school today if you're hurt.

Y/N: dad, calm down, I didn't fall or anything. I just fell asleep here. I can go to school.

King L/N: are you sure? There's no shame if you're hurt.

Y/N: dad, for real, I'm okay.

You managed to get out of your dads embrace, but he helped you up.

King L/N: I'll get your uniform.

Queen L/N: no need to.

King L/N: you read my mind.

Your dad hands you, your uniform and you grab it. But before you left you brushed your teeth and flossed. As you were finishing up; you got a text from Tom.

Y/N: alright, Tom, I shall meet you there.

You finish your outfit and tied your tie around your neck. You than quickly grab your things and rush to the maniac shop. You texted Star telling her you'll be there in a bit. With so many places to go, you had to run most places.

Now at the manic shop.

Oscar and Tom were working on the mystery machine.

Y/N: hey tom, I got your message.

Tom: hey Y/N, where have you been?

Y/N: what do you mean?

Tom: me and Janna were hanging out and we were hoping you'd hang out with us last night.

Y/N: oh, about that. Me and Star ran. Into a little trouble. And is this Oscar's job as well?

Oscar: nah, I live in my car, so I gotta know how to fix it.

Tom: anyways, what did you see last night?

Y/N: we met some big tall guy last night. He seemed to be lost and from another dimension.

Tom: what did he say his name was?

Y/N: kratos.

Tom: cool name.

Oscar: totally; he sounds like a cool badass.

Y/N: how's the mystery machine coming along?

Tom: it's fine, but it'll take a while to fix it. Since it was caught fire. Me and Oscar won't be able to come to class, so please make sure you vouch for us today.

Y/N: you got it, Tom.

You were gonna turn to leave, but than you got an idea.

Y/N: hey, Tom.

Tom: yeah?

Y/N: how would you like to come to a concert? I got 20 tickets to a concert to a week before the autumn moon. Would you and Janna like to come with me and Star?

Tom: sure, sounds like fun. Are you sure she'll be allowed due to her curfew? I don't want her parents to get mad at her or anything like that.

Y/N: I'm sure everything will be fine, but these are VIP tickets so we'll have plenty of fun.

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