Chapter 35 The Weekend

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The next day.

The snow fell a bit, but you made it to stars castle without any issues like you did last time. You knock on the door and was met with queen moon.

Queen moon: ah, Y/N, so nice of you to drop by.

Y/N: good morning, moon-

Queen moon cuts you off.

Queen moon: ahem.....

Y/N: oh sorry; I mean your majesty.

Queen moon: better, now what I do for you, Y/N?

Y/N: is star upstairs?

Queen moon: of course. You want me to go get her?

Y/N: nah, I'm gonna go in to check on her and probably take her out of something.

Queen moon: how thoughtful of you. Come in.

Queen moon let's you in as you enter; you hear king river grunting like he was doing sit-ups or something. You look into the living room and as king river doing push ups as jack was coaching him for some reason.

Jack: whatever makes your body stronger, you do it.

King river: oh yeah! I love the pain!

Y/N: doing okay over there, jack?

Jack turns and bows to you.

Jack: so nice to see you again, Dragonborn.

Y/N: just call me, Y/N.

Jack: excuse me, Y/N.

King river: hello?!

Jack turns back to king river.

Jack: oh sorry, uh do more of that sit up thing.

King river: you got it.

Jack: give me 50 of them.

Jack than turns back to you.

Jack: king river wished to be trained for some reason says he gained a little weight, so he's working out.

Y/N: good on him.

Chimpy than climbs down.

Chimpy: pardon me, Y/N.

Chimpy walks over to king river whom was doing his 27th sit up.

Chimpy: here you go, king river, some ice water for you.

King river: thank you, chimpy. Leave it next to me.

Chimpy: as you wish, my king.

Chimpy places the water bottle with ice in it next to king river before climbing onto the wall into the kitchen.

Y/N: he's committed isn't he?

Jack: you bet.....


Star was brushing her hair unaware you were downstairs. She looks by her door and pulls out the hoodie from her sheet. She looks around and than takes a deep breath as she starts to smell your hoodie.

Star: oh yes! Mmmm~

Star starts to smell your scent deeper into the hoodie and than sits on her bed. Smelling the scent of your hoodie that still smells like you. She remembered when pony head threw it in the washing room that one time.

Star Vs The Divided Dimensions (Star Butterfly X Male reader) Where stories live. Discover now