Chapter 12 Hatch a Plan

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The next morning.

You woke up with a bandage wrapped around your arm.

Y/N: ow....what happened last night?

King L/N: how are you feeling, son?

Y/N: I'm fine, dad, but what happened to me?

King L/N: Star brought you home last night. You fell asleep the moment you got back, but don't worry I changed you.

Y/N: oh, that explains the pajamas. I gotta get up for school.

You were about to get up, but your dad gently puts you back down on your bed.

King L/N: oh no, son, you're gonna stay in bed today. You're injured right now, and besides schools class today.....a dragon burned the cafeteria again. So the worker moles are fixing the school.

Y/N: dad, I-

King L/N: I got Star to come over actually. She should be on her way here right now.

You smile and didn't say anything else.

King L/N: are you going out anywhere today?

Y/N: I planned to, why?

King L/N: just rest your arm for a bit and you can go out with friends.

Y/N: thanks, dad.

You dad smiles and shuts the door gently.

In stars castle.

Star wakes up and stretches her arms as the birds tweeted, but than a bald headed bull goose lands on the brand and honked. Chimpy than climbs down do stars bed.

Chimpy: good morning, Star, how are you feeling?

Star: I'm feeling better since yesterday. I have to get to school early today, because I have to chat up with principal Glossaryck today.

Chimpy: sorry to say, Star, but school is closed today due to the kitchen catching on fire after a dragon burned the kitchen with some fiery debris.

Star: oh, so can I visit Y/N than?

Chimpy: sure, what dress, hosiery, and shoes you'd like to wear today?

Star picks her outfit and made chimpy turn around.

Star: okay, chimpy, how do I look?

Chimpy turns around to see stars outfit as usual.

Chimpy: you look lovely, Star. Shall I let your parents know you're coming downstairs for breakfast?

Star: nah, I'm going out with friends later.

Chimpy: okay, Star, but you should know that your parents put up a curfew for you. You're to be home at 9.

Star: what? No way.

Chimpy: the party with Ponyhead incident didn't go so well. Your father mentioned something about king pony head complaining how his daughter got a concussion. I think they were having a bit of an argument.

Star: okay, chimpy, I'll be home by 9. I'll see you later.

Star makes her way downstairs.

Before Star could open the door.

Queen Eclipse: star, where do you think you're going? Shouldn't you stay and study your duties as future queen.

Star: uh, mom, I was gonna visit Y/N. I wanted to go check on him.

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