xviii. banned.

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"I need some where romantic, but not too romantic." Miguel explain as he, Aisha, Hawk and Wren all stretched on the mats. He was attempting to come up with a date idea for him and Samantha LaRusso... and failing. He was failing miserably.

Hawk gave Wren a knowing glance then smirked as he always did now.

"You could take her to get tattoos." He offered up and elbowed Wren, but she pushed him back.

Aisha scoffed and Miguel looked dreadfully confused. "What?" He asked, Wren shrugged.

"Not your worst idea." She offered.

Hawk stood and began to remove his gi whilst Wren rolled up her sleeve.

"Hawk and I went and he hooked us up with these." She explained, showing them her wrist.

"Check out this bad boy." Hawk said and revealed his large back tattoo.

"Oh shit." Miguel swore, his eyes wide. Aisha held Wren's wrist and gently pulled it closer in order to get a better look.

"That's beautiful, is it a sunflower?" She asked.

"Yeah, originally I wasn't going to get one but I decided why not since Hawks took 14 hours." She laughed, a sudden pride for the art on her wrist.

"That is badass." Aisha told them both, "Wait. Are your parents okay with that?"

Hawk seemed to think about this, his smile subsiding and began to shrug his gi back on.

"Oh, they have no idea. Definitely gonna have to wear a T-shirt until college. Probably longer. Please don't tell them" He explained, sitting back down and Wren laughed at how little he had thought this through.

"What about you, won't your parents mind?" Miguel asked her and Wren shrugged.

"Not in the slightest." She told them, trying to play it off, hoping they would find a new topic instead of her home life.

"Huh- how come?" Hawk asked, zoning in, as far as Hawk had payed attention for- this was the most, Wren had ever talked about her family.

"Yeah my parents would lose their shit." Aisha laughed.

"My mom isn't even in the country and my dad-" she broke off. "Well, I haven't actually seen him since being back in LA." She told them, "But it's no big deal."

"But how? School started months ago, where have you been living?" Hawk asked, a slight edge to his voice but she could tell he was still trying to maintain his cool demeanour.

"Yeah, I mean technically you should be in the foster system." Aisha thought out loud and Wren's back straightened, she swallowed.

"I've got it under control, I've been living with a friend and I'm doing just fine." She lied, she didn't exactly live with Mr. James, she just lived in the flat above his shop, he still went to his own home every night while she remained there alone.

But when she heard the word 'foster' it would be a a lie if Wren said she wasn't afraid.

"Just- please don't tell anyone." She added and her friends exchanged worried glances, "I'm fine, I promise, it's just I don't want to have to leave." She said.

little bird // r.keeneWhere stories live. Discover now