xlix. you scared me.

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"Wren!" Her name ripped from his throat as Robby darted forward but he just wasn't quick enough, her head struck the ground and Robby's hands trailed from her shoulders to her neck, cupping her face. "Wren, wake up." He uttered, "Wake up, wake up..."

She didn't.

Johnny paused, frozen, he glanced over his shoulder at the sight of his son holding his ex-student. He hadn't meant to.
He didn't mean to do it. He meant to just get her away. He didn't mean to.

"Robby..." he called out but johnny's moment of hesitation was enough to give Kreese the edge and he moved forward, sending a strike to Johnny's midsection which sent him tumbling.

"Stop!" Johnny shouted but Kreese didn't hesitate, the pair continued to spar and moved into the next room, the main space of the dojo. But Robby didn't move.

Wren's head began to bleed, he pressed his hand to her head whilst keeping the other on his neck. There wasn't a whole lot of blood but it was enough to stain his fingers and she was completely slack.

His eyes skimmed down and he found that her shirt had risen slightly and he saw the extent of the bruises on her ribs.

Immediately he wished he hadn't because the feeling of guilt and regret hit him like a brick and made him nauseous as his hands began to shake.

All the conflict, all the fights Wren had tried to prevent... Just like this one and yet every time , every time, she seemed to suffer and it boiled Robby's blood.

Gripping her shoulder he pulled her to his chest, blocking out the sound of the men fighting one room over. He pressed his face into her neck, cradling her body.

If you asked him, Robby couldn't tell you what he felt at that exact moment int time. But he could tell you it was one of the worst things he had ever felt. And it was a feeling that left him cold.

"Wren, you have to wake up. Come on." Another shout erupted from the next room and Robby's eyes narrowed, he sighed, unknowing he had been crying and pushed himself up.

Robby strode into the next room and when his eyes fixed on his father, standing over Kreese getting in hit after hit...
Robby lost it.

Without comprehending his action, Robby looped his arms around his father's waist and dragged him away, pulling him off of Kreese. Unlike Wren, Johnny stopped the moment he felt someone hold onto him and turned to fac his son.

"You don't understand. You can't trust him!"

"And I can trust you?"

"Robby, please, listen."

But Robby didn't want to listen, "You know, all those years you weren't there, I blamed myself. Sensei Kreese is right. I can't be my own worst enemy." Robby paused, "But you can be." And Robby lunged for his father.

Wren woke to the sound of shattering glass and her phone ringing.

It woke her up like it might if someone had tipped ice water on her. Wren bolted upright and her head swam, she scanned the room but no one was there. Rolling over, Wren pushed herself up as hard as she could.

She willed her legs to move forward and they did, thankfully. Pressing a hand to her head she pulled it away to find it covered in blood, her heartbeat was hammering in her chest.

One foot in front of the other, that was all she had to remember. She broke into the main dojo to see Johnny and Robby both lying on the floor, Wren's heart dropped.

She darted to Robby's side and felt his neck, he had a pulse, so that was the worst case scenario ruled out. Cupping his cheeks she spoke to him softly.

"Common Robby, I need you to wake up now. I did, now it's your turn." She uttered and glanced up, she spied Daniel and Kreese just outside the broken window and suddenly she saw Johnny move out of the corner of her eye.

He groaned, shoving himself to his knees.

"Johnny." She hissed, he shot her a look as if he was surprised to see her.

"Is Robby okay?" He asked, bleeding and making his way over but Wren shook her head at him.

"I've got him. Go!" She yelled and turned back to Robby, who was still in her arms.

"Wren..." Johnny offered, moving to put a hand on her shoulder, to reach out and touch his son but Wren turned on him.

"Go." This time, he listened.

Wren returned her attention to Robby. Completely blocking out what was going on outside. She shook him slightly, a little of the blood seeping from her head dripped onto his shirt.

It wasn't a bad cut, just an annoying one that had trickled bloody down the side of her face. "Robby!" Wren half shouted and he groaned, opening his eyes. Wren didn't waste a second, she pulled him into her arms and once his eyes were fully open, Robby hugged her back.
"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god." She uttered into his shirt, her head throbbing and yet overcome with relief that he was awake. A feeling that he shared.

"It's okay, you're okay." He whispered and they pulled back, resting their foreheads together to their noses barely touched.

"You scared me." She muttered.

"You scared me." He replied.

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