xxix. sober up.

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"What the actual fuck was that Wren, they're the enemy here! He was making a move on Sam!" Hawk began to argue but when she turned back to face him, he could see she no longer looked angry at all. Just tired. Oh so tired.

"Why don't you ask Miguel, he seems like he knows everything. Maybe you both can go jump to some more conclusions together." She said, looking between the two. Hawk looked offended and yet Miguel looked ashamed.

Good. She thought.

"I'm walking home." She said softly and began to walk away.

"It's miles." She heard Aisha say but she didn't care, she needed time to think and no better place than a long road, alone in the dark.

She didn't know how long it took her, but when she made it back to the shop it was all locked up. She trudged up the stairs and sat on her bed. Wren pressed her eyes to her palms and stifled a sob. No one could hear her but at the same time she felt ashamed for crying. They had been drunk, Hawk and Miguel, but that was no excuse.

It's no excuse for being an asshole.

She wasn't sure how long she cried for either but she didn't like to think about it...

Robby found himself in Mr LaRusso's dojo, trying to calm himself down after tonight. He was sure Sam had gone straight to bed. Sam had been ranting and Robby wasn't sure what to do.

"I don't know what's gotten into him, since he's been at Cobra Kai he's been getting more aggressive. I promise he's not normally like that at all... It's just- he's been focusing on the tournament and I just can't anymore!" She said all and once and Robby just listened, keeping his eyes on the road.

"He seems like a real piece of work." Was all he could muster and he heard Sam sigh.

"And Wren, she didn't need to be involved at all. The way she was touching him like that, she was just getting Miguel more riled up! Honestly she just needs to back off." She continued.

"She was just trying to help, Sam." Robby told her, throwing her a brief look over his shoulder but Sam just shook her head dismissively. "She didn't mean to get shoved over on purpose."

"I guess, but she's always hanging around them in school. Always." Sam tried to justify, "I don't actually think she has any female friends apart from Aisha. Did she really have to be touching Miguel that much? I think it's just because I was there and for some reason she doesn't like me and she doesn't like my dad, and-" Same kept going but something clicked in Robby's head.

"Wait, why does she hate your dad? What did Mr LaRusso do?" He asked her and Sam just shook her head again.

"He did nothing, it's her sensei... He hates my dad's guts because he beat him in the 80's. She goes to Cobra Kai with Hawk and Miguel."

And that was something Robby couldn't let go, Wren was being trained by his father, Johnny Lawrence,  and she didn't even know Robby was his son.

He wanted to see her again, he needed to. They needed to talk and he needed to apologise for everything that had happened. Robby had meant to visit her after they first met but he got so caught up in his new job for Mr LaRusso and training, it had simply been pushed back on his to-do list because it had been so long since he had something this good going for him in life.

But how could he tell her that? He didn't visit her because he was busy... She would laugh at him or be angry. But either way, he needed to see Wren.

"Hey, Robby..." Mr LaRusso greeted as he walked into the dojo, Robby lowered his arms and began to walk over to his sensei.

"Mr LaRusso, I really need to talk to you about something. I don't know what to do..." He trailed off when he saw his father stroll in behind Mr LaRusso.

"What the hell?" Johnny asked, his eyes fixed on his son, Robby couldn't move, "What's going on?" He asked, looking over to Daniel for some sort of clarification.

"Hey, Johnny, I forgot to tell you. You're not the only one with a new student. I have a new student of my own." Daniel said proudly, completely oblivious to the unwanted reunion before him.

Suddenly Johnny shoved Daniel backwards so hard, he crashed into the trophy stand behind him that most topled over. Daniel looked up at him, more shocked and angry than anything.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" He called out.

"What the hell is wrong with you, man?" Johnny countered as he took a step closer to Daniel but Robby had seen enough.

"Hey, dad, back off!" He yelled, putting up his fists as he got between the pair, facing his father.

"Dad?" Daniel asked.

"If you want to fight him, you've gotta fight me first." He said firefly but Johnny's face went slack of all emotion as he looked down at his son.

"You've gotta be kidding me." He said gently, shaking his head softly, before turning and leaving the dojo, the door open behind him.

Daniel was taken aback and he turned away from Robby, he was silent as he tried to process everything.

"Mr LaRusso, I was going to tell you." Robby tried to tell him but Daniel didn't want to hear it.

"Was this all just a con?" He asked, turning to face the boy, "Some kind of sick mind game you're trying to pull off on me?" Daniel's voice got louder as he went on.

"No, it wasn't like that." Robby tried but Mr LaRusso was done listening.

"You lied to me."

"Please, please..." He begged as Daniel stook a step forward

"Get out, now!" Daniel yelled, it scared Robby ever so slightly, "And don't come back to this house, not to the dealership, not ever!" Robby was out now, looking up at his sensei helplessly,  "You got that? Ever again!"

Robby looked at his feet, feeling tear begin to clog his throat but he swallowed them without a second thought. He clenched his fists and shook his head but again, he let it go as he began to walk down the driveway.

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