xl. her boys.

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It had begun to rain by the time Wren reached the Juvenile Detention Centre , she pulled into the back parking lot. She had a clear view of the exit door from the front seat and as clear as day, Wren spotted Daniel and Johnny waiting under the shelter by the door.

Her initial plan had been to wait by that door and wait for her boys to walk through it and yet, she knew that if she got within two meters of Daniel LaRusso, she didn't think she could control herself since he was the reason Robby was even in there in the first place.

Wren still remembered his arrest like it was yesterday.

The betrayal. The fear. The realisation that she was alone. It was all Daniel's fault.

Wren understood why Johnny was there and she really did admire how hard he was trying to reconnect with Robby. She really, truly did. It made her feel sorry for him that it wasn't returned... But she understood Robby's reason and it was something that just needed time.

However, she also knew that if she got within two metres of Johnny Lawrence, he would no doubt lecture her about staying in Cobra Kai with John Kreese and he would try and persuade her to join his new dojo... Which was the furthest thing she wanted at that moment in time.

Today wasn't about starting fights. Today was about Robby and Will's freedom.

So, Wren decided to wait in Mr James's car and watch as Johnny and Daniel argue, she guessed since both were squaring off and looked pissed off. But more importantly, Wren watched for her boys.

"You gotta be kidding, they called you?" Johnny asked, his hands by his sides as he stared Daniel down.

"I called them." Daniel told him, completely dry despite the rain, in a crisp blue suit. "With Shannon still in rehab and I don't know if Wren knows he's getting out today so I just wanted to make sure someone was here to pick him up." Daniel explained, unknowing that Wren was watching them both from behind a windshield about ten metres behind him.

"Well, I'm here, aren't I?" Johnny shot back, in response Daniel just held out his arms in what seemed like surrender.

"I'm not looking for any trouble. I'm just here for Robby."

"Robby doesn't need you. You've done enough." Johnny gestured to the steps to their left leading to the parking lot "Thank you. Goodbye." He dismissed Daniel casually.

Daniel, on the other hand, didn't move. Even though she couldn't here the pair, she could guess what was going on but she didn't care all that much. Her legs began to ache with the adrenaline of seeing them both out. Of seeing them both free. Of seeing Will outside again. Of seeing Robby smile.

"You've got it all under control?"

"Yeah, I do." Johnny said calmly, determined to remain so.

"Just like you had Kreese under control, right?" Daniel snapped, "What did you think would happen summoning that devil back to earth?" Daniel argued.

"Kreese is my problem." Johnny retorted, pressing hand to his sternum to make his point. Without Daniel's reminder, Johnny was already hyper aware of what he had done by bringing Kreese back into town. And he hated himself for it, but hearing Daniel say it, it was like rubbing salt in a fresh bleeding wound. Though he hid it well, it made Johnny's blood boil.

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